Anyone surprised? No?
(CNS News) A Pittsburgh, Pa. solar energy company has shut its doors four years after receiving nearly $10.2 million in tax credits from the Obama Administration as part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act.
Flabeg Solar U.S. Corp., a $30 million solar plant located near the Pittsburgh International Airport, opened its doors in 2009 and was said to provide 300 jobs. Now, just four years later, the plant has shut down and laid off more than 60 workers. In addition to this, 10 of its former employees have petitioned a federal judge for severance pay after they lost their jobs last month, according to PA Independent.
Robert Lampl, the attorney for Flabeg, said the company would probably seek Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from the workers who are suing over their severance pay.
Now, liberals will say “hey, it was only $10 million dollars!” Only in leftist world is $10 million chump change.

This is also further proof that some of the green technology cannot compete within the marketplace even after massive economic support from the government and massive economic penalties on other forms of energy such as coal and nuclear.
(By the way, in case you missed it, Bill Gates has come out and said we should be building more nuclear plants for energy.)
True. Of course, Obama’s ideas were never about a vibrant marketplace or even viable alternative energy, but hooking up his backers and campaign contributors.
Did you by any chance misspell “Fleabag?”
I think he did Dana. Good catch.
My question is, how come the shafting of green energy workers is happening under a socialist administration? I thought they were all about pro-worker, protecting worker’s rights, workers above employers, et al.
color me surprised.
But, if the GM bankruptcy dealings are any guide, you know the workers will get all that the Socialist deem they deserve.
So bottom line Teach tax credits of 2.5 million a year and taxes paid by company and workers equals ???
Comment by john
2013-04-09 18:26:07
fixed it for ya