…is an evil fridge with an evil ice maker, causing the world to burn, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is small dead animals, with a quick post on a Dem not blaming the criminals.

…is an evil fridge with an evil ice maker, causing the world to burn, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is small dead animals, with a quick post on a Dem not blaming the criminals.
What’s that she has hangin’ in the refrigerator door?
I know that handle on the fridge looks big, but a little perspective should help. Pressley Carter is 5’1″ tall and 99 pounds. She’d make anything look big.
I don’t understand men, even though I am one. You guys are aware that poop comes out of that thing in the photo, right? That’s like it’s only purpose. To make crap.
As someone who has absolutely no desire to ever put his weiner in a woman’s butthole regardless of how aroused I am, I have to ask, WTF is wrong with you people? Why do you want a woman to have a gigantic crap-making ass?
I’d love some insight. I don’t understand gay people for exactly the same reason.
Heh! All I saw when I grabbed the pic from The Chive was yoga pants and the fridge (not that easy to find good fridge pics). Never noticed the “thing” hanging from the door.
HAH! I didn’t notice it either until you wrote that.
Still want to know what you guys see in butts that I don’t though.
Personally I find a nicely shaped, pert heinie to be sexy. On a woman. Especially in a bikini.
If you don’t understand the male biological attraction to female shapes, you are sadly lacking in instincts and missing out on the joys of life.
Or you are just a troll spinning crap. Which is what I’m guessing, because nobody in their right mind thinks that where crap comes from is the driver in the desire to look at a woman’s butt. And give it a nice squeeze.
Well, I think Kevin was thinking of that “desire” being a bit more “physical” in nature… not just the mental desire. Note he mentioned the male homosexual tendency to also engage in sexual use of the rear-end.
However, I too find it rather interesting that Teach would select this photo. And no, I am not buying the “oh wow I just didn’t notice” excuse. ESPECIALLY form Kevin.
I think we need to call for the removal of Teach from the mass-media air waves. If it can save the life of one child…..
(hey obama, with that reasoning, I’m sure you’ll push to outlaw abortion, right?)
Whoa, time out. Kevin’s been around for a long time, definitely not a troll.
I apologize if I misunderstood Kevin. Was he being satirical? Still kinda weird though.
“If you don’t understand the male biological attraction to female shapes, you are sadly lacking in instincts and missing out on the joys of life.”
That’s an unfair statement and not at all what I said. I get the attraction of the female form. Just not butts. It’s fine if you like women’s butts. I’d just like to know why, since I don’t share the same affinity. I’m a face and boob person.
“And no, I am not buying the “oh wow I just didn’t notice†excuse. ESPECIALLY form [sic] Kevin.”
So you’re saying that with that giant butt blaring in your face you decided to instead notice a big plastic flaccid penis stuck onto the refrigerator, Gum? What is this world coming to, when guys like giant asses and large plastic penises? FWIW, I didn’t even see her face until just now, much less the penis. I was too busy studying her butt to see what you guys like about it. And I just don’t get it. Frankly, all I really want to do is pick the fabric from out of her butt crack. That HAS to feel terribly annoying.
“I apologize if I misunderstood Kevin. Was he being satirical? Still kinda weird though.”
Not satirical. Just weird. I don’t like big butts and I cannot lie.
Is her derriere really all that big, or does it just look that way from the camera angle?
Personally, I prefer women on the skinnier, more athletic-looking side than big boobs/big butt, but no one could call this lady ugly.
Kevin, isn’t this contradictory? you “claim” to be a face and boob man, but then quite distinctly make a fuss over her lower-rear half and state as much. And then you proclaim that you were too busy studying that feature to notice that which you “claim” to be an aficionado of.
I don’t think you are really Kevin. I think you’re a spy.
What’s the matter with you people? Look at that fridge, just look at it. It’s causing the planet to boil and you’re worried a about a girl’s butt? Sheesh! Priorities people, priorities. We must make sure people on third world shitholes, er, developing nations, don’t have access to planet killing ice makers!
We need to stick to the facts. Dild…. err.. I mean, Ice Makers are causing Big BUT…..errrrrr .. climate change, worse.
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