Hmm: Hotcoldwetdry Apparently Raising Wave Heights


(Climate change increasing wave height)

Surfers would like this. But, you know, doom!

Scientists are beginning to predict how climate change will influence the height of waves.

The impact on wave height has been a neglected area of research until now.

CSIRO research scientist Mark Hemer says buoys and satellites scientists around the world have been modelling how changes in atmospheric circulation will influence sea swells.

“We see an increase in wave heights in the Southern Ocean and we see decreases in a lot of the rest of the global oceans,” he said.

Waves in the Southern Ocean could increase by half a metre over the next century.

Wait, so in lots of the rest of the global oceans they saw a decrease? It’s pretty much just the Southern Ocean that saw an increase? Could it have to do with some other factor? Well, duh, of course not, it has to be “climate change”. Meaning you driving a fossil fueled vehicle. But, this could happen!!!!!

Would you be surprised that this “research” will be included in the upcoming IPCC report, surely shown as doom? I bet they won’t include

  • 08C (.14F) increase in global temperature from 1997
  • .28F (.16C) increase since 1990

Those aren’t scary figures.

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7 Responses to “Hmm: Hotcoldwetdry Apparently Raising Wave Heights”

  1. Gumball_Brains says:

    It’s worse than that Teach:

    Mark Hemer says buoys and satellites scientists around the world have been modelling how changes in atmospheric circulation will influence sea swells.

    “We see an increase in wave heights in the Southern Ocean and we see decreases in a lot of the rest of the global oceans,” he said.

    Waves in the Southern Ocean could increase by half a metre over the next century.

    So, they run MODELS that show them that wave heights in only the Southern Ocean (where is that by the way?) while decreasing in other oceans. Doesn’t that mean that overall, the wave heights COULD BE LESS than today due to climate change?

    So, in other words.. since waves are created from winds across the surface of the waters, there COULD BE an increase in wind speed only in the Southern Ocean, while winds COULD BE less across the rest of the world.

    Therefore, climate change will (could) lead to a decrease in winds and wave heights across the globe. according to models.

  2. The southern ocean is the sea area surrounding Antarctica, you know, where it has mostly been getting colder. I must have dropped that part while writing with my Droid

  3. Gumball_Brains says:

    Ok, so this is the circumpolar seas that have, while man has been around, been the most violent of area of all our oceans due to storms and wave heights. This was the area where Rogue Waves were first seen, hypothesized and found.

  4. Dana says:

    It’s Earth Day, and two thirds of the way through April; why did I have to scrape frost off the windshield this morning?

    If we are having global warming, where’s mine? I want my share!

  5. Gumball_Brains says:

    Sorry, but weren’t you told? You are now a member of the top 45% and thus have to pay your fair share. meaning, you must now pay for the nice weather that the bottom 55% can enjoy without paying for it. It’s only fair since you worked for your weather and they didn’t. Do you think it is fair that your hard work has allowed you to have nice weather when those who refuse to work don’t get any? So, your nice weather will be borrowed and invested for the greater good.

  6. Well, remember, cold is now caused by hot. It’s Climate Change!!!!!!!

    My condenser on my home AC unit died on Friday, came home and it was 80 inside. Good thing climate change was around to make the next 5 days nice and cool. Matter of fact, I had to turn the heat on this morning since it was so cold. 65 inside, and mi casa is very energy efficient.

  7. Gumball_Brains says:

    So, because you turned the heat on, it got cold. Does no one see the connections!?!?!?!?!?!? Is every one of you blind?!?!?!?!?!?! john does. john sees them!!!!! Don’t hate the prophet! The prophet only shares the message. It is up to YOU!!! to see the truth.

    (god i love coffee )

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