OK, not really, as to the 2nd part. 3rd part? Yeah. But, I’m sure some Warmist is thinking of a way to link “climate change” with grabbing guns. However, Earth Day apparently needs to change to become more religious and, um, wait, violent, per Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite?
(Washington Post) On the 42nd Earth Day, April 22, 2012, it’s time for a change. No more flowers and beach balls that look like the earth. In Christian theological terms, it is time for righteous anger and judgment on the way in which the continued willful destruction of the planet’s ecosystem is causing widespread suffering and loss.
And what happens when Warmists, who are primarily left leaning folks, get angry? Violence. Heck, let’s be honest, they don’t really even need to be angry to get violent. So, perhaps there should be lots more gun control. For liberals.
The first Earth Day in 1970 is credited as launching the environmental movement and the idea of global warming. In 2012, the planet is in terrible trouble, and so is the environmental movement.
Uh, no. There were a few kooks who were whining about global warming, but, considering that the Earth was seeing dipping temps and by the mid-70’s people were worried about a coming ice age, um, no. It was originally about protecting the environment from real environmental dangers. Unfortunately, Warmists have taken Earth Day over and relegated those real environmental issues to B-list issues in the face of the made up hotcoldwetdry.
Anyhow, make sure to read the whole opinion piece (DO NOT drink anything, as I will not be held responsible for the damage to your Internet device), and let’s skip to the end
God is judging our sin against the planet, and She is very, very angry about it.
If anything God would be judging leftists for the wanton murder of the unborn. The Earth Day folks have made 2013 all about the “faces of climate change”. Well, if the WP article is any example, the faces are bat shit crazy.
BTW, I’d like to point out that the WP closed the comments pretty darned quick, as Ms. Susan was getting the snot knocked out of her.
More: 13 spectacularly wrong predictions from Earth Day, 1970. Makes one wonder what people 30-40 years from now will think of the Warmist predictions over the last 20 years.
Well, lunatics we got. Aplenty. Just watch MSNBC for two minutes, and you can fill an electric car or two with the ones you will see.
I walked on the original Earth day, 1972. No one knew Ira Einhorn then, nor did ANY of us kids have a clue about Global warming or have any notion of leftist intent. We were a bunch of kids that wanted to go out on a spring day for a long walk along the Schuykill River into Philadelphia and to meet other kids and perhaps smoke a little weed and eat some brownies and cookies along the way. I met a guy who became my boyfriend for a time, on that walk. I also really truly cared about the planet, the beauty of nature and all things living. So it was a perfect mix of young uninformed and looking for a good time…
Flash forward, and now it is hard to miss their intent, and yet I still care about this planet and nature. I just don’t believe we can do a thing to change climates. Ever. We can’t make it hotter or colder, only nature can do that.
And the only use for this movement is to change us fundamentally into a third world dictatorship. Nothing they propose will stop the world from changing. Not one thing.
Right on Trish.
I say, if these greenies want to have their government push people to do green people-controlling things, then they ought to move to Cuba, Venezuela, USSR, China, England. They’ll be much happier there. Taxes are also more forcibly seized there like they desire.
Let’s see.. if removing CO2 from the atmosphere means we get winter season temps in late April, then I think we need to put that CO2 back.
I’m wondering if Colorado will see a month this year without snow fall? Won’t that be hilarious.