Whatever the question, the answer is apparently always hotcoldwetdry (via Tom Nelson)
Why climate change is causing upset stomachs in Europe
Much has been said about the effect of climate change, but little is known about its impact of water-related health issues. Scientists are now suggesting that greater quantities of rainfall and bigger storms could be responsible for more unsettled stomachs in parts of Europe.
“Suggesting”. In other words, they are simply attributing upset tummies to “climate change”. I usually attribute it to “really shouldn’t have had all those hot wings and beer”. My theory tends to have more real world data and real causation.
[…] out there blames it on climate change. So it’s really not surprising that the loons are now blaming stomach upset on climate change, or as William Teach calls it hotcoldwetdry.Much has been said about the effect of climate change, […]
I’m beginning to think Climate Change was thought up by the FDA, considering all the side-effects there are when you swallow it.