Monthly Archives: April 2013

Hooray! Warmists Conveniently Say Ocean Is Eating 90% Of The Warmth

It’s all so very convenient that the New Climate Deniers come up with a way to proclaim that Mankind is still the main culprit, it’s just that the heat is disappearing into the deep oceans (which they can’t really prove). Since it has been exposed that there has been a pause in warming, with no […]

Zakaria: Hey, Those Two Tsarnaev Boys Mean We Need Better Integration Of Muslims

More importantly, the media narrative that Boston was just some minor event with no links to any wider Muslim extremist movement continues, as witnessed in Fareed Zakaria’s op-ed As we learn more about the brothers Tsarnaev, we are inclined to ask larger questions about their apparent descent into terror. What does it tell us about […]

Should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Receive Full Constitutional Rights?

There’s been a debate since Tsarnaev’s capture as to whether he should be offered a Miranda Warning and whether he should be declared an “enemy combatant”. Essentially, should be be given the full due process and protections offered under the law and the Constitution? Two of the biggest cheerleaders for designating him an enemy combatant […]

If All You See…

…is an evil clothes dryer causing the world to boil, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on Obama not needing no stinkin’ Congress. (Regarding the clothes dryer thing, see here, here, and here. And ask all your AGW believing friends if they have […]

Most Back Keystone XL Over “Climate Change”

And the Warmists lose yet again (Yahoo News) A new poll released this week by Nik Nanos, a public policy scholar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, revealed that the majority of Americans and Canadians feel that the energy security that could be provided by the Keystone XL pipeline is more important than […]

Obama Officials Knews Fisker Was Failing. Also, Another Stimulus Backed Solar Company Going Down The Tubes

The CBS article is entitled WH knew electric car maker Fisker was faltering: AP. Not sure that they can say that the White House knew, the provide no information on that, but the DOE certainly knew Newly obtained documents show the Obama administration was warned as early as 2010 that electric car maker Fisker Automotive […]

Boston Bombing “Suspects” Sound Eerily Like Liberals In Their Motivations

Let’s see: both liberals and Islamists became radicalized. Both engage in or attempt to engage in violence (though Islamists typically try and kill lots of people more often for their beliefs). Both like to Blame The United States. And… (Washington Post) The 19-year-old suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has told interrogators that the American […]

Solar Industry Is Pretty Much Workfare

As Steven Milloy points out Grist reports that solar workers now outnumber coal miners. Coal provided 42% of U.S. electricty needs in 2011. Solar provided 0.2% of global electricity needs in 2011. You do the math. The math says that coal provides 210 times more power with fewer employees. The math also says that the […]

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle sitting in a field perfect for a wind farm, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Scared Monkeys, with a post showing the latest anti-gun fervor from Diane Feinstein.

John Kerry: Hotcoldwetdry Science Is “Screaming At Us”

Though I reckon it’s screaming “you’re a moron and a hypocrite. We’ve seen a .08C (.14F) increase in global temperature from 1997 and .16C (.28F) increase since 1990. Oh, and you take lots of fossil fueled flights, own multiple high “carbon footprint” homes, and won lots of fossil fueled vehicles. The science is screaming that […]

Pirate's Cove