June 3, 2013 – 9:01 pm
Originally, scientists found that the diabetes drug Avandia could cause heart attacks, so is now used as a drug of last resort (hey, how about those prescription drug commercials which use half the time to describe the possible side effects, like blindness, dark urine, and death? I really like the one about depression drugs causing […]
June 3, 2013 – 6:02 pm
Cause “climate change”. I have some fresh baked Toll House chocolate chip cookies for anyone who can read the entire ramblin’ wreck of an article before we get to the end In the Era of Climate Change, Poets Can’t Write About the “Eternal Sea” – In literature, the classic metaphors for the ocean no longer […]
June 3, 2013 – 2:19 pm
Apparently schoolkids won’t know what snow free summers look like (via Steven Goddard) (The Local) Struggling to know what to do this weekend? Well, summer is officially here so why not head to the ski slopes of the French Pyrénées? Yes, believe it or not a French ski station is reopening its doors to make […]
June 3, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is a desertified world because someone else used hairspray, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jammie Wearing Fools, with a post on silly David Ploufe.
June 3, 2013 – 11:17 am
And are upset that they are being blamed for doing what they were told to do (UK Daily Mail) Interviews with IRS employees have established that the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service was engaged in targeting tea party groups and other conservative organizations for unfair levels of scrutiny when they applied for […]
June 3, 2013 – 8:25 am
Over the years I and other Climate Realists have consistently pointed out that Warmists rarely practice what they preach, and, at best, only take token measures within their own lives, such as replacing a bulb or two with CFLs. When you read my posts on “climate change” or comments around the web that theme will […]
June 3, 2013 – 8:00 am
Quick, when you think of the Marco Rubio radio commercials, constantly broadcast on talk radio and TV, does the phrase “pay back taxes” come to mind? It shouldn’t, because Amnestyites have dropped any sort of tough posture from the bill, and Rubio has moderated his language just to say “pay taxes” (Politico) The question of […]