June 4, 2013 – 4:34 pm
Only in the 1st World can this happen ‘The Talk’ — How to Tell Your 8-Year-Old About Climate Change When Ian Kim imagines the world his 7-year-old daughter will be living in 20 years from now, he says, it keeps him up at night. Images of ever more frequent super storms like Sandy, along with […]
June 4, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is a torrential downpour caused by global warming induced drought, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Wake Up America, with a post on IRS targeting victims testifying to Congress today.
June 4, 2013 – 11:15 am
Epic (and I take no responsibility for what happens to your laptop/Smartphone/Tablet when you get to the end) This comes via The Blaze, which provides a transcript, and He then went on to say that the president’s “dishonesty, incompetence, vengefulness and lack of moral compass lead many to suggest that he is not fit to […]
June 4, 2013 – 8:39 am
This was not just Lisa Jackson, but others, and, apparently just because their regular inboxes are overloaded or something. (Newsday) Some of President Barack Obama’s political appointees, including the secretary for Health and Human Services, are using secret government email accounts they say are necessary to prevent their inboxes from being overwhelmed with unwanted messages, […]
June 4, 2013 – 8:11 am
Oh, wait, sorry, he’s upset that Republicans have suggested that Obama and his administration might have engaged in wrong doing and could be involved in the IRS targeting scheme Accuse first and ask questions later A third House committee joined the stampede to examine the IRS on Monday, and its chairman did exactly what you […]