Remember how Rubio continues to yammer on about border security, making it the focal piece of his shamnesty push to conservatives and Republicans, as you hear his commercial on the radio (they haven’t played it on TV for awhile) for the umpteenth time? How you’ll read about him trying to make the border provisions better? How’s that working out?
(Washington Examiner) In a Spanish-language interview Sunday with the network Univision, Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican on the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform group, made his strongest statement yet that legalization of the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants must happen before any new border security or internal enforcement measures are in place, and will in no way be conditional on any security requirements.
“Let’s be clear,†Rubio said. “Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.â€
Here is an English translation of Rubio’s remarks. Here is video of the Univision appearance.
As Byron York points out, the first thing the Gang Of Amnesty bill does is offer legalization to illegals, something Rubio has been rather unwilling to say to Conservatives and the American media during interviews. This legalization will occur once the background checks are done (the feds tend not to deport illegals with lots of legal violations, so anyone think any but the worst will not be approved?) and fines are paid (I bet those who are going through the legal system would love to pay so little, and, really, does anyone think Los Federales will force the illegals to actually pay the fines?). At that point, the group in charge of determining that the border is secure can….it won’t matter, because the government will move along quickly to turn the illegals into voting citizens, regardless of the waiting provisions, then make sure they are on government services, regardless of the legislation provisions.
At this rate, Rubio has become so squishy he is almost guaranteed to be the 2016 GOP presidential nominee, as picked by the liberal media and the Republican establishment, allowing an easy win for whoever the Democrat contender is.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Another Liar, Scumbag Criminal Traitor.. You go F*CK your self you POS…
Say bye to the presidnecy.
And what is really more surprising, from this “Tea Party Candidate”, is that even though he knows what he got himself in to, and the lies he spewed and the people he betrayed… he now does something that only the worst slime in the world do: He goes on to a foreign language, foreign tv station and tells them the truth, while continuing to lie to the American People in English!!!
This is worse than a betrayal, it is our once Prince becoming the evil traitor who seeks to overthrow the government from the inside, then when found out, actively works to destroy it from the outside.
As Teach has suggested, Rubio will more than likely be the go-to nominee for the 2016 elections based solely upon the media and the RNC’s pushes and prods.
I actually fear for his safety. With this much betrayal and lies oozing from his greased back facade, I fear there will be some who take it too personal. Or, he will be taken out and a right-wing stooge will be forced to take the fall for the betterment of the Socialist Party.