The 15+ year pause in statistically significant warming has had Warmists scrambling for ways to protect their cult. Here’s Dana Nuccitelli at the UK Goreball Guardian
When you hear the term “global warming,” do you think of the warming of air temperatures at the Earth’s surface, or the warming of the planet as a whole?
Only about 2 percent of the planet’s overall warming heats the atmosphere, so if we focus only on surface air temperatures, we miss 98 percent of the overall warming of the globe. About 90 percent of the warming of the planet is absorbed in heating the oceans. However, until the past few years, our measurements of ocean temperatures (especially of the deep oceans) were somewhat lacking. Our measurements of surface air temperatures were much more accurate, and so when people spoke of “global warming,” they tended to focus on air temperatures.(snip)
The key take-home point is that we now have better measurements of ocean and global heat accumulation. We no longer have to settle for focusing on the 2 percent of global warming represented by surface air temperatures….
The key take-home is that Warmists will say anything to protect their un-scientific cult. The article positions that all that heat is in the oceans (we’ve already heard the “it’s hiding in the deep oceans” malarkey), and uses far left studies to attempt to “prove” this. Yet, if oceans were heating up, we’d see more atmospheric warming. We aren’t. We have no long term data to compare to, which is what Warmists really love. The Guardian even claims that the overall warming of the Earth’s climate has sped up. Despite a lackluster increase of .14F since 1997, one of the coldest springs in decades around the northern hemisphere, bitter cold during the winter across much of the northern hemisphere, and a cold summer in the southern hemisphere.
(IBD) “The science of climate change is screaming at us for action,” Secretary of State John Kerry said over the weekend. Yes, we hear screams, but not from science. They’re from the alarmist movement dying.
Warmists continue to hold out and fight like Japanese soldiers hiding in jungles across the Pacific post-WWII, clueless that they’ve lost. They’re losers sitting alone at bars getting drunk and finding ways to Blamestorm everyone but themselves for their pathetic condition. They’re ideologues scared that their money train will dry up, watching reality take away their ways to push their far left agenda of fascism.

A few afternoon links…
Image via American Digest Change is good Warmists Declare That “Climate Change†Isn’t About Air Temperature No. It’s about computer models of air temperature, virtual air temperature Lower Pollution Levels Linked to Stronger Hurricanes Hur…
we have lost 50% of the summer arctic ice cover in 30 years.
And that still doesn’t prove anthropogenic warming, John.
And that still proves Johnny is a liar. (from WUWT)
Does average or above average not mean anything to you? Oh yeah.. math be hard for ya. Reason why I put up pretty pictures.
So much wrong there. Surface air temperature measurements are not accurate and are highly suspect. But, global average temps (which is bogus anyway) have always been based on both surface and ocean temps. writer is just trying to pull a fast one on idiots and low-info people.
Now, they’re claiming the heat is deep down. The sun doesn’t heat up the atmosphere as it plunges down, it doesn’t heat up the lower atmosphere, it doesnt heat up the surface water, it doesnt heat up the lower waters, but it DOES heat up the >2000meters water. Voilah! THe missing heat.
By the way, I have a nice bridge to sell ya.