Monthly Archives: June 2013

Democrats Working Hard To Win Supporters By Calling Them “Flat Earthers”

I never did touch on (NMP) Obama, The Man with the biggest carbon footprint in the world, calling those who do not believe in man caused “climate change” part of the flat earth society (btw, the president of the real Flat Earth Society is a Warmist). I had blogged enough on the subject, and we […]

If All You See…

…is a horrible flooded drought world making it difficult to ride awesome Gaia friendly bikes, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post that points out that it’s not 1965 anymore.

A Love Letter To The NSA Agent Who Is Monitoring My Online Activity

Funny stuff, via Ned Hardy from Happy Place, some big wet kisses to the NSA (click more tag to open in single page)

More Than Half Of Republican Senators Vote Against Amnesty Bill

That’s the headline at The Hill, except it says “immigration bill” rather than amnesty bill. Alternated headline: 100% of Democrats Vote For Amnesty Bill that Doesn’t Actually Secure The Border And Will Allow Criminals To Obtain Legal Status and Federal Benefits (The Hill) More than half of the Senate GOP conference voted against the immigration […]

SCOAMF Talks NBA During Toast In Senegal

So, the man with the Largest Carbon Footprint In The World who just stated that he’s going to Do Something about reducing “carbon pollution” flies to Africa and gives a toast in Senegal, which includes this Sadly, it appears as if he’s looking down to read his toast, and was still a stuttering fool. I […]

The Life Of Julia, Amnesty Applicant

This is freaking hilarious, in a sad and true way, from the Center For Immigration Studies. Wish I could drop a photo of this, a spoof of Obama’s “Life Of Julia” neo-socialist government will take care of women-folk lunacy. Using Droid phone, I’ll see about adding one later. Hah, figured out a way to get […]

Clean Energy Could Kill Off Endangered Killer Whales

I’m sure quite a few Warmists would be OK with this. They’re fine with wind turbines killing off endangered birds, as well as just killing off millions and millions of other birds (Daily Caller) A new clean energy project could wipe out the killer whales off the coast of Washington State, according to an environmental […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that might possibly rise up and cover all the land, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Gay Patriot, with a few thoughts on the SCOTUS decisions.

On SCOTUS DOMA Decision, What Of Other “Inequality”

Consider (Washington Post) Writing for the 5-to-4 majority in the DOMA case, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy argued that the federal law’s “avowed purpose and practical effect are to impose a disadvantage, a separate status, and so a stigma upon all who enter into same-sex marriages made lawful by the unquestioned authority of the states.” Congress […]

White House Releases Its Scareathon State By State “Climate Change” Report

The best is the one from Hawaii, which notes (via Watts Up With That?) The US Department of Agriculture designated 31 counties in Hawaii as primary natural disaster areas due to damages and losses from drought in 2012. Hawaii has 5 counties. One would think that a president who was raised there might know that. […]

Pirate's Cove