In announcing the 2013-2014 schedule, we learn the names for the 4 divisions
(ESPN) The NHL also announced its new division names. The seven-team Pacific and Central divisions will comprise the Western Conference. The eight-team Metropolitan and Atlantic divisions will comprise the Eastern Conference. No teams in what was the previous Atlantic Division are in the new group of that name.
The Metropolitan Division consists of the Washington Capitals, Pittsburgh Penguins, Philadelphia Flyers, New Jersey Devils, New York Rangers, New York Islanders, Carolina Hurricanes and Columbus Blue Jackets, who have moved from the West to the East.
Deputy commissioner Bill Daly said player names were considered for the division names but “dismissed rather quickly.”
“I don’t think there was any strong feeling that we needed to move away from geographic descriptors and orientations, which makes it easier for the fans to follow,” Daly wrote in a email to “Also, while it’s the nature of any exclusive list, I’m not sure assigning division names to four all-time great players is fair to the all-time great players who would necessarily be excluded in that process.”
Daly said the Metropolitan Division was the toughest to establish.
“A number of alternatives were considered for Metropolitan, but due to the make-up of our divisions, none were perfect. So that was, obviously, the toughest one to nail down. But, ultimately, you have to come to a resting place.
Here’s an idea: Patrick, Adams, Smythe, and Norris. At the CBC, 43% want those names. 41% say “anything but Metropolitan”. Only 6% favor the current names.
Someone should be beaten like a rented goalie over that name. Sheesh. Five of the Atlantic Division teams are nowhere near the Atlantic. Those in the…I refuse to call it by its full name, so, from now on, it’s simply the Met Division…Met Division are much closer.

The NHL is taking naming lessons for divisions from the Big 10.

I think the naming committee spent too much time getting punched in the head.
I don’t know about you, but I thought they just should have added a division with another the name of another hockey pioneer and kept the other three names.
At least they didn;t change the Cup’s name to “The United Nations’ Trophy.”
I would have been happy with the Brodeur Division.
Why not name the divisions after some native american culture or icon? Or some form of americanized version of them. Could call them the “blackfoot” league. Oh, but that would tick off the black and the indians despite it being the name of an actual tribe. how about the “mohawk”. Nah, that’d piss of the punkers and the indians. hmmm, how about the “blood” district? Nah, that’d piss off the gangs and the indians again.
I know.. how about “flathead”? darn it.. that one is not kosher either. Fits hockey tho.
Perfect.. the “Red Indian” district. That couldn’t piss anyone off, right?
“Uchee Yuchi Koo”?
“Flying Winnebagos”?