Monthly Archives: July 2013

CO2 Making Deserts Bloom, And That’s Apparently A “Bad Thing”

Warmists could find and focus on the negatives of finding a huge gold deposit in their back yards (Treehugger) One hypothesis about the effect of increasing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere now has significant supporting scientific evidence. Scientists speculated that a “CO2 fertilization effect” would occur as CO2 levels rose. The fertilization effect proposes that […]

We’re Apparently All Deniers Of The Third Kind Now

One of the things I adore when it comes to the “climate change” debate is that Warmists are always coming up with new ways to amuse me. Sure, Democrats/Liberals/Progressives (you can add in Marxists, Socialists, and authoritarians in, too) can be maddening, and Warmists are primarily made up of those people, but their unhinged pronouncements […]

WSJ: King Obama Suspends The Law

Michael McConnell notes that (NMP) Obama is acting more like an English king of old (Wall Street Journal) President Obama’s decision last week to suspend the employer mandate of the Affordable Care Act may be welcome relief to businesses affected by this provision, but it raises grave concerns about his understanding of the role of […]

Is “Climate Change” Really The World’s Biggest Problem?

Alex B. Berezow says “not by a long shot” (Real Clear Science) It’s particularly trendy among politicians and members of the media to be worried about climate change. When President Obama recently spoke before a crowd in Berlin, he said that climate change “is the global threat of our time.” But that’s not true. Just […]

Warmist: “Climate Change” Threatens Our Very Freedom Or Something

Here’s Al Gore’s Climate Reality CEO Maggie Fox providing yet another July 4th rant about fossil fuels. Apparently she wants everyone to stop breathing (via Tom Nelson) Declaring Our Independence from Carbon Pollution Last week, I watched President Obama stand up to the fossil fuel industry and all their friends in Congress and for future […]

If All You See…

…is a world turned into a desert because Someone Else refused to take public transit, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Capitalist Preservation, with a post on getting over this “democratically elected” claptrap.

Hey, Kids, Tell Your Parents To Stop Driving You Around In Fossil Fueled Vehicles

Oh, wait, no, that’s not what Warmist Scott Vrooman wants. Instead, he provides some handy dandy tips on how all the snowflakes can talk to their parents about “climate change” I don’t expect public opinion on climate change will be swayed by columnists and pundits preaching to their choirs. Those who want to ignore the […]

NY Times: What Abortion Needs Is The Face Of Freedom Or Something

I’ll never understand how abortion became one of the sacraments for Liberals, how they push for unfettered abortion access with no regulations. This is the same group which wants more and more restrictions on gun ownership, despite there actually being a Constitutional Amendment in support of gun rights. Back during the debate post Sandy Hook […]

As People Complain About Student Loans, Don’t Forget: Obamacare

Rarely a day goes by without one of the big news sites complaining in some form or fashion about the coming hike in the student loan percentage. It could be an elected politician, a student group, or Obama, or simply the news outlet. Like today in The Politico Congress returns to Washington this week groping […]

Watcha Reading?

Happy Books! Last Sunday I mentioned I had started The Icarus Void by CK Burch. Made it about half way through, and it just became dull. The plot plodded along. So, moved on to Ravage: An Apocalyptic Horror Story by Ian Rob Wright, a follow up to Sea Sick. A good book with an ending […]

Pirate's Cove