July 7, 2013 – 4:09 pm
The original article actually comes from Dana Nuccitelli, who is an environmental scientist and climate blogger for Skeptical Science and The Guardian, at Skeptical Science. I found this over at George Soros funded Climate Progress, both of which claim that “Media Overlooking 90% of Global Warming”. The Climate Progress article starts out with this chart […]
July 7, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is a field (far from your home) that would look fantastic with a bunch of solar panels, you might just be a Warmsist The blog of the day is Wizbang, with a post highlighting more proof that Democrats hate the Constitution.
July 7, 2013 – 10:29 am
Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day out there to remember the once and future nation. This cute little sailor girl pinup is by Tom Rubalcava, with a wee bit of help. What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15 Legal Insurrection tells Liz Cheney to run for office No Frakking Consensus discusses greens bludgeoning […]
July 7, 2013 – 8:47 am
What could possibly go wrong? (Washington Post) The Obama administration announced Friday that it would significantly scale back the health law’s requirements that new insurance marketplaces verify consumers’ income and health insurance status. Instead, the federal government will rely more heavily on consumers’ self-reported information until 2015, when it plans to have stronger verification systems […]
July 6, 2013 – 2:52 pm
Has anyone told John Kerry? (Science 2.0) Barnacles are a major problem for both small boats and large ships because they accumulate on the hulls and can reduce the fuel economy of a vessel by up to 40 per cent. That means CO2 emissions rise accordingly. The rest of the article, and the main thrust […]
July 6, 2013 – 1:00 pm
…is the flag of a horrible evil carbon polluting nation, and you’re going to jump in your air conditioned SUV to go protest, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Raised On Hoecakes, with a post on some big government nanny’s needing a sense of humor.
July 6, 2013 – 12:15 pm
Remember the other day when a man was arrested on the University of Washington campus? What’s his deal (Boston.com) A judge set bail at $2 million Friday for a Las Vegas man arrested near the University of Washington in a truck that authorities say contained multiple weapons, maps to three Seattle campuses and a recording […]
July 6, 2013 – 8:58 am
During a Republican presidential administration, this would be big news. Heck, it would have been big news from the get-go, with angry opinion pieces and editorials demanding massive Congressional inquiries. At least two American federal agents were killed by the 2,400 guns that were “walked.” At least 200 Mexican civilians, including children, have been killed […]
July 6, 2013 – 8:42 am
One has to read between the lines Egypt Crisis Finds Washington Largely Ambivalent and Aloof In polo shirt, shorts and sandals, President Obama headed to the golf course Friday morning with a couple of old friends, then flew to Camp David for a long weekend. Secretary of State John Kerry was relaxing at his vacation […]
July 5, 2013 – 6:47 pm
Wait, what? Climahysterics tell us that weather has gotten weirder, that storms are so much super duper worse…um, no (The Hockey Schtick) A new paper published in Nature Climate Change finds no evidence that the frequency of U.S.  ‘extreme weather events’ has changed over the last century. “Using hourly precipitation records from thirteen sites, this study finds […]