Monthly Archives: July 2013

Was Paul Revere An Alarmist?

For a pre-Independence Day post, this is what we get from the Hufftard Post with the same title On this Independence Day, it is worth reflecting on the willingness of our founding fathers to sacrifice their own comforts for the future–for many generations to come, including ours. They didn’t argue about discount rates, or how […]

If All You See…

…is a wonderful Earth friendly bike which The Government should give to everyone for free, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on authentic frontier gibberish

Sadly, Snowden’s Nightmare Comes True

So says The Politico Edward Snowden’s nightmare may be coming true. Not exile; not the danger of imprisonment or prosecution; and not his newfound association with dictators, lawyers and impresarios. Snowden’s worst fear, by his own account, was that “nothing will change.” “People will see in the media all these disclosures, they’ll know the lengths […]

Nanny Bloomberg Pushes Law To Force Composting

Why is NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg such a popular fellow? Because he perfectly encapsulates what Progressives stand for: bigger and bigger governmental control over Other People’s lives, from big things down to the tiny things. This is what Progressives want, but notice the use of the phrase “Other People’s lives”. When it comes to laws, […]

NY Times Publishes Pro-Muslim Brotherhood Op-Ed

Of course, this is one of the great things about American democracy (don’t start with the “it’s a Republic” thing), based on the 1st Amendment: allowing other viewpoints. Which is interesting for the NY Times, because, at best, they rarely allow more than super-squishy Republicans to publish op-eds. Anyhow, here’s the Brookings Institute’s Shadi Hamid, […]

Obama Extolls Independence Day In US While Expressing Concern Over Freedom In Egypt

Mr. “Hi Everybody” trots out his weekly address Hi everybody.  I hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July, filled with parades, cookouts, fireworks and family reunions. We celebrated at the White House with a few hundred members of the military and their families. And we took a moment amid the festivities […]

If All You See…

…are the wonderful colors of the United States Flag, you might just be an American Patriot The blog of the day American Glob, with an awesome patriotic cartoon. And, yes, more pics below the fold

Independence Day Patriotic Pinup

Happy Independence Day! An excellent day to remember what this nation was founded on. I’ve always liked the above pinup, just seems to encapsulate the holiday. There are a few more of my favorites below the fold. What’s happening in Ye Old Blogosphere? The Fine Patriotic 21 (worked my way down the feedreader) American Perspective […]

Bummer: Sea Rise Worse Than We Thought

And by worse, I mean worse for the disciples of the Cult Of Climate Change (Daily Caller) When Barack Obama promised to slow the earth’s rising sea levels and heal the planet during the 2008 campaign, he probably had no idea that curbing carbon dioxide emissions might not lower the sea levels. A study published […]

On Independence Day, Liberals Can’t Help Being Jerks

What is it about July 4th that brings out the worst in Liberals? For a party that says they are “progressive” and future looking, they sure seem to focus on all the bad that has occurred, and whine and whine and whine. The Washington Post features not one, not two, but three negative pieces (in […]

Pirate's Cove