Monthly Archives: July 2013

Bummer: NC Illegals Leery Of Amnesty Bill

I know you’re all broken up about that (WRAL) As the debate over immigration reform shifted to the U.S. House on Friday, some in the country illegally said they don’t like the legislation approved by the Senate but aren’t hopeful for anything better. My first thought is “who cares what they think? They aren’t in […]

If All You See…

…is coffee that will disappear because people ate Krispy Kreme donuts and became obese, killing Gaia, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Icecap, with a post on the Death Valley Follies.

When Will America Get Tired Of Obama’s Constant Lies?

Nice Deb asks the question At what point is this country going to have had enough of this  shameless,  inveterate liar? He had to lie continually in 2008 in order to get elected, and he’s been a non stop geyser gushing lies, ever since. Geoffrey L. Hunter of the American Thinker, wrote, “Lying has many […]

Good Grief: Late 20th Century El Nino Now Blamed On “Climate Change”

Sad when we have to start the post with a facepalm, rather than ending with one (Bloomberg) The El Nino weather pattern that can bring drought to Australia and rain to South America was “unusually active” at the end of the 20th century, possibly due to climate change, a University of Hawaii study found. Researchers […]

Rubio’s Political Future Tied To Success Of Amnesty Bill

In a long article, the Washington Times discusses how Marco Rubio’s future is tied to the success of the amnesty bill, having been the face of this malarkey Sen. Marco Rubio was the glue that held together the immigration deal in the Senate, helping set the stage for adding tens of thousands of Border Patrol […]

Pirate's Cove