Monthly Archives: July 2013

Liberals Shriek Over NC Commonsense Voter Regulations

The NC Senate has proposed a few simple voting changes Senate Republican leaders are planning to take a voter ID bill and add provisions that cut early voting by a week, repeal same-day registration, allow counties to limit Sunday voting, end pre-registration of 16- and 17-year-olds and end straight-ticket voting. Other provisions increase the maximum […]

If All You See…

…is an evil cat sucking up Earth’s resources causing heat induced snow storms, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Maggie’s Notebook, with a post on some wonderful illegal aliens.

Warmists Now Pinpoint Ice Free Arctic 40 Years From Now

How many times have Warmists prognosticated that the Arctic would be ice free? We’ve seen “by the end of the century”, by 2008, by 2040, 2012, 2010-2015. And, remember, we have all the folks predicting that 2013 would be ice free. Not working out too well. Especially for the Sierra Club, which predicted the sea […]

Obamacare Desperation: Meeting With Celebs Who’ll Never Use It To Push It

And then Hollywood and other entertainment will be surprised when their shows tank because people come to be entertained, not bombarded with political propaganda (CNN) President Barack Obama, hoping to pitch his signature health care law to younger Americans, will get some help from a cadre of Hollywood stars who have volunteered to help promote […]

Pelosi: We Need To Uphold The Constitution By Enacting Gun Control

Not many people will argue that a few basic, common sense regulations regarding firearms is a Bad Idea. Surely we would like to keep them out of the hands of criminals, gang bangers, and others who would look to use them in a Bad Way. Surely we would like to keep people like, say, Eric […]

Cities Are Doomed From Hotcoldwetdry Somewhere Between 87 and 2,187 Years From Now

Glad they have a really good margin of error. Let’s start with the first paragraph (via Tom Nelson) (Huff Post) A new article in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), is headlined “The Multimillennial Sea-Level Commitment of Global Warming,” and it reports that because of carbon emissions that are virtually certain, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrid fossil fueled machine causing the Sun to burn down on the Earth, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Last Tradition, with a post on Melissa Harris-Perry wearing tampon earings.

Aaaand, Now Warmists/Enviroweenies Want To Ruin Alcohol Consumption

Hey, they’re ruining everything else they can think of for Other People (never for themselves), might as well go for liquor That’s the spirit: A guide to sustainable liquor Questionable drunk texts aside, many of us believe that our occasional (or frequent, no judgment!) nightcap is basically harmless as long as we’re not doing something […]

Obama Plans Yet Another Campaign Style Pivot To The Economy

This reminds me of one of those bad movies they keep playing on TV. Or of Sharknado, which had enormous hype, and was even worse than the usual dreck on the SyFy channel (NY Times) With major battles looming in the fall over the federal budget and the debt ceiling, President Obamais trying to regain […]

Senate Pushing Bill That Does Nothing To Stop NSA Domestic Spying

Essentially, the bill is window dressing, because most citizens will not bother to read the full details of it. When it passes, it shall surely be positioned as a great bill protecting the rights of all citizens, but… (The Hill) The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is pushing to fast-track legislation that would require […]

Pirate's Cove