Spokesweasel Jay Carney refuses to take a stand on the Democrat War On Women, because, you know, the White House and the President never comment on local issues, and their too busy to be distracted from issues not regarding the economy or something
(Daily Caller) White House spokesman Jay Carney Wednesday ducked, dodged and dived to escape questions about two top Democrats embroiled in sex scandals.
The simultaneous scandals have been caused by a Democratic candidate for New York mayor, Anthony Weiner, and the Democratic mayor of San Diego, Bob Filner. Their sexting and harassment of women have humiliated many Democrats, including those who have happily spent the last few years charging the GOP with waging a “war on women.â€
Obama is flying into the Filner scandal because he has announced an Aug. 7 visit to a U.S. Marine Corps base outside San Diego, Calif.
“The president is traveling to Camp Pendleton which is not in San Diego, which is outside,†Carney said July Wednesday. “I don’t have anything on that.â€
“He’s commander in chief. He doesn’t oversee municipalities. … I don’t have any comment on that,†he said.
And regarding Carlos Danger, er, Anthony Weiner, Carney also refused to comment.
“The president is focused on what we can do here in Washington to help the middle class,†Carney insisted July 31.
“I understand the allure of issues like this in the media,†Carney said. “But I’m saying that the president believes his job is not to comment on those issues, but to do what we can do to get the economy moving.â€
Right. Because he would never comment on things like the Boston PD arresting someone, or the Zimmerman/Martin issue. He would never say that the Boston PD “acted stupidly”, and then put together a beer summit. He would never say that “Trayvon could have been me 35 years ago”. Obama would never get involved in, say, a lawsuit against Arizona and Florida. Obama was sure loose with his tongue when it came to sexual assaults in the military, which is being used to attempt to get cases thrown out due to “undue command influence”. I guess that these are “local issues”, because Obama refused to support Gillibrand’s sexual assault in the military bill.
But, of course neither Carney nor Obama will comment on these, because Weiner and Fillner are Democrats. No one should be surprised. Just like we won’t be surprised that Obama’s wilting economic pivot will produce nothing but talking points.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Come on Teach. His Focus Like A Laser(tm) worked. Did you not see the latest productivity numbers? GDP grew by 1.7% in last quarter over an expected 1.0%. Now, granted last quarter was hyped at 1.8% but was now downgraded to 1.1%, but that is all hindsight and backward-looking ideology on your part.
We must continue to look forward, look ahead to the future progress and progressive growth of our progressive society for the betterment of all.
Taxing certain people more than others, vilifying certain people and groups, using enforcement agencies to target specific people and groups, taxing certain companies and its employees more than others, taxing 100% of specific people’s bonuses, kicking shareholders out of bankruptcy hearings, and racking up $6 Trillion dollars in new debt is only meant to help everyone.
Just because we have not seen the same economic growth in 4 years that we saw under Republican presidents as we have under this Democrat president only shows that you are a racist hate-monger who specifically hates Obama(tm) (pbuh).
Now, go stand in line for your beneficial free government cheese. And be happy for it. What you gonna do? Get a job?

All I see is the unemployment figures continuing to rise after jumping almost 10% at the start of the OBUMMER administration… GRAPH
Of course that is the REAL unemployment figures not the political soft shoe instituted by Clinton so he could hide the real result of the World Trade Organization ratification and the US technology transfer to China.
By the way is Clinton Chinese or American, I keep forgeting….