Eh, this is probably just one of those “phony scandals” we keep hearing about
(CNET) The U.S. government is quietly pressuring telecommunications providers to install eavesdropping technology deep inside companies’ internal networks to facilitate surveillance efforts.
FBI officials have been sparring with carriers, a process that has on occasion included threats of contempt of court, in a bid to deploy government-provided software capable of intercepting and analyzing entire communications streams. The FBI’s legal position during these discussions is that the software’s real-time interception of metadata is authorized under the Patriot Act.
Attempts by the FBI to install what it internally refers to as “port reader” software, which have not been previously disclosed, were described to CNET in interviews over the last few weeks. One former government official said the software used to be known internally as the “harvesting program.”
And there’s virtually nothing a judge can do to stop this, although the FBI software will capture way more than is allowed by law, and providers are concerned with exactly what the software can further capture without being told. Make sure to read the whole thing.
And, speaking of “phone scandals”, Chump mentions this again in his weekly address to other Democrats, because, as we all know, the deaths of 4 Americans, murdered by Islamic extremists in Benghazi, and the deaths of over 200 Mexicans, including children, along with at least two US federal agents, are “phony”.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

The deaths aren’t phony, just the pretend outrage/scandal
Bush’s former Secretary of Defense said he believed there was no scandal and that teh US military could have done nothing differently. The radical right now is claiming that the highly decorated Marine colonel is in hiding and acting dishonorably. The wingnuts would be willing to smear the US military in order to make Obama look bad. Shame on them.
Cheney gives his full support to using this to stop terrorist attacks on the US
I realize that you have comprehension issues john, but Gates’ statement was that he wouldn’t have handled the military aspect of Benghazi differently. He is entitled to that opinion but the military response (or lack thereof) does not encompass the entire breadth of the scandal.
But even the military side has a problem. Gates said he would not have given the order for a military response lacking the intelligence and oinformation on the attack.
The problem is the Obama administrationhad the intelligence and threats and authorized assets into the area. Human assets were ordered to go, but that order was csncelled at the last minute by some unknown person.
This shows thst Gates would have taken control and accountability of the military response, something that no one in the Obama administration has done.
I dont understand how judges can’t stop it? How can they ignore what the law says? Law was supposed to only cover those calls made from or to foreign sources. How can our legal system continue to say, “nothing we can do to stop them?”
This blows my mind that we are saying, “we see the march of tyranny and over-control, but we wont do anything to stop it”.
We are seeing the dying death throws of a free republic being subsumed to a government of death.