Funny thing is, the downfall of the Incas occurred around the same time the Little Ice Age got going
(Guardian) Although their empire existed for a scant 100 years before being cut short in 1533 by the arrival of the Spaniards, the Incas managed to create 26,000 miles of roads, ruled an empire of 10 million people and imposed their language and culture from one end of the Andes to the other. In a very real sense, the Incas were the “Romans” of the New World and, like the Romans, they were excellent administrators and empire builders. Like the Romans, however, they borrowed many aspects of their culture – from metallurgy and warfare and architecture to agriculture and animal husbandry and astronomy – from other, previous cultures.
Like the Romans, their empire died out as the climate turned cooler
In response to such natural phenomena, the Incas resorted to religion. In the Inca world, lightning, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, rain, weather and fertility were controlled by a panoply of gods. To survive in an unpredictable world, the Incas sought to form reciprocal relationships with their gods, just as they formed reciprocal relationships with one another, or with other tribes.
They performed quite a bit of human sacrifice of Other People in their religion
The Incas did their best to fathom what, at the time, was unfathomable – the violent, unpredictable catastrophes of nature which, in some cases, had ended cultures that preceded them. To their credit, the Incas did their best to ensure the survival of their people and empire by paying close attention to nature and doing their best to use every means at their disposal, including human sacrifice, to gain control over it.
Nowadays Warmist want Everyone Else to sacrifice, and, yeah, many of them want Other People, especially minorities in 3rd World nations to stop having kids.
The irony is that, more than 500 years after the Spaniards put an end to perhaps the most spectacular empire in the New World, not only are Andean and worldwide glaciers shrinking at unprecedented rates as the Earth heats up, altering and damaging native ecosystems, but the new cultures that have replaced the Incas seem apathetic, at best, in making any kind of sacrifice in order to gain control over a potentially self-created environmental disaster.
Wait, is writer Kerry MacQuarrie proposing human sacrifice to the Gods Of Gore in order to stop Bad Weather? Would anyone be surprised?

Nowadays Warmist want Everyone Else to sacrifice, and, yeah, many of them want Other People, especially minorities in 3rd World nations to stop having kids.
You might want to look at my comments at WUWT on the subject of no kids and sacrifice. Use any of it that you want.
Comment #1 is background:
Comment #2 is where we are today:
Notice how Joel ignores the evidence put in front of him.
The comments are in response to:
Joel Renfrew says: @ August 5, 2013 at 4:25 am
I don’t advocate murdering people, but forced sterilization is a good idea and probably the only way to keep people from being murdered.
Holy Shitake-take-two!!!
Boy, when they go off the rails, they go all four-wheels worth.
You can always tell a liberal during the disaster movies. they are always the one willing to sacrifice someone else to save themselves, or to refuse entry to an outsider, or the first to start pointing fingers of blame. (not sure I buy most of that though. Like the movie THE MIST, everyone starts pointing fingers within 5 minutes of the mist arriving, blaming and demanding sacrifices. yeah, don’t buy that)
Don’t buy that either.
Romans lasted alot longer than that. And were more widespread. Though you could make an argument that they did sacrifice people to their gods too.
So, yeah, let’s start killing people to appease the gods that no one believes in because we’re supposed to be athiests or muslim or hindu. None of those have gods that affect weather. So, we’re screwed.
I much prefer the ancients Celts method.
Maybe we do need to return to worship of GAIA along with the sacrifice of out political leaders (with ritual torture of course) if they screw up. It might keep them a bit more honest.
I’m not buying that they were kings. If so, then no one would want to be kind after that. Also, there are differences:
This sounds like to me, they caught someone doing something they shouldn’t, maybe a traitor. Were nipples sliced or was it a slice of the chest muscles? There is no need to poke holes through an arm to secure a person unless its for pure torture (ie; roman crucification when nails were begun to be used).
It was either a torturous punishment, or a victory party gone wild. We still have those.
Ummm, wouldn’t just taking his crown away do the same thing, but easier? So, if this manner of death is peculiar, then how can it be said to be THE WAY the kings were killed? Even the two men were killed differently.