The trainwreck continues
(Reuters) The federal government is months behind in testing data security for the main pillar of Obamacare: allowing Americans to buy health insurance on state exchanges due to open by October 1
The missed deadlines have pushed the government’s decision on whether information technology security is up to snuff to exactly one day before that crucial date, the Department of Health and Human Services’ inspector general said in a report.
As a result, experts say, the exchanges might open with security flaws or, possibly but less likely, be delayed.
Hey, what’s a little bit of identity theft when we have socialized medicine to implement?
When people try to enroll in health insurance starting on October 1 for insurance plans taking effect in 2014, their identity, income and other information they furnish with their application will be funneled through a federal “data hub.”
The Exchanges basically want your life on record, so, surely there’s no chance for problems resulting from poor planning and an unworkable piece of legislation which has resulted in 20,000 pages (so far) of rules and regulations and guidance, right?
Despite the tight IT deadlines Obamacare faces, the 2002 federal law on information security might provide an important loophole. The requirement that CMS’s chief information officer make a “security authorization” decision does not mean the CIO has to conclude that the data hub is impregnable. He can decide that, despite identified security risks, the hub can operate.
Certainly this super awesome government which always follows the law and does everything it can to be forthright and safety concience would never use said loophole just so it can implement a program which is highly un-popular with the American people.