Since the new NC voter law, which includes requiring voter ID, shortens the number of early voting days, eliminates same day registration, and does away with straight party voting, liberals have been doing their typical freakout dance. They’re typical headline and/or article pushes the “voter suppression” and “disenfranchisement” memes. Here’s the Raleigh N&O Editorial Board a few days ago
And he of course didn’t linger on the other parts of the legislation clearly designed to give Republicans an advantage in future elections, blatantly political maneuvers: no more straight-ticket voting, which is favored by more Democrats than Republicans; no more same-day registration and voting, again something shown to be used more by Democrats; early voting periods will be shorter, and early voting also tends to draw more Democrats; no more pre-registration for students younger than 18, as the young tend to lean Democratic.
They’re very worried that Dems will have trouble following the law in order to vote. Do they have trouble with Liberals voting in Hawaii, Illinois, and Delaware? Because they have voter ID laws, too. Sure, the NC law allows gun registrations as ID but not student ID. Because NC doesn’t have a ton of out-of-state students. I mentioned in that link that over 30 states have voter ID laws. Now, via the John Locke Foundation we see just how super evil the updated voter laws are
- 14 states allow straight party voting. North Carolina now joins the 36 other states that do not.
- 15 states allow NO early voting or no-excuse absentee voting. (Those include NY and Mass)
- 32 states allow early voting ranging from 4 days prior to election day to 45 days with an average 19 days. North Carolina allows 10 days but requires the same number of hours of early voting that was available in 2012 and 2010 when the early voting period was 17 days.
- Only 1 state allows same day registration during early voting. NC was the only other state to allow this and has now joined 49 states in not allowing same day registration during early voting.
- 11 states allow same day registration on Election Day. North Carolina does not.
- 5 states allow 16 and 17 year olds to pre-register to vote. 45 states do not, including now, North Carolina.
The lawyers for North Carolina will have these facts readily available as they fight of the Democrat led suits. When Pennsylvania was sued for their voter ID law, the judge upheld the law because most of the claims of the liberal organizations were found to be mule fritters. It’d be nice if (supposed) news organizations like the News and Observer, NY Times, Washington Post, and others, especially in North Carolina, would give the actual details.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Don’t recall George Washington being required to show ID before voting.
I recall having to show ID to get my medicine, cash/use a check (They even write the drivers licence number on the check) or get a post office box.
What’s wrong john, are you afraid that WITHOUT VOTER FRAUD the ordinary Joe might actually have a voice in elections for once?
The list goes on and on.
SEE: “How Widespread is Voter Fraud? | 2012 Facts & Figures”
I don’t remember Washington having to keep track of where he got his food and report it to the federal government. I don’t remember Washington having to get building permits for Mount Vernon. I don’t remember Washington having to meet requirements or be inspected when making alcohol. I don’t remember Washington having to pay for “universal health care.” I don’t remember Washington being assailed and attacked for supporting the Second Amendment and gun rights.
Most of all, I don’t remember Washington ever not protecting rights codified in the Constitution.
I also don’t remember anyone trying to fake being Washington in order to steal or nullify his vote.