We should not be surprised that (NMP) Obama is using the official resources of the White House for partisan attacks, should we? That’s all he does. Most presidents attempt to bring people together, or at least act like the President of the American People, not president of their Party
(WEEKLY ADDRESS: Working to Implement the Affordable Care Act)
Hi, everybody. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been visiting with Americans across the country to talk about what we need to do to secure a better bargain for the middle class.
We need to rebuild an economy that rewards hard work and responsibility; an economy built firmly on the cornerstones of middle-class life. Good jobs. A good education. A home of your own. A secure retirement. And quality, affordable health care that’s there when you need it.
Right now, we’re well on our way to fully implementing the Affordable Care Act. And in the next few months, we’ll reach a couple milestones with real meaning for millions of Americans.
Except for all those who’ve received waivers, including Congress, per Obama. Except for the employer mandate being shuffled off to 2015, conveniently after the 2014 mid-terms. Except for the problems with data security. Except for all the insurance companies saying “no thanks!” You’re welcome to add all the other issues with implementation.
And let’s not forget that they’re very unclear as to whether or not you can actually keep your insurance and doctor. As for the middle class, well, they are (mostly involuntarily) joining the part time work force, provided they can even get a job, thanks to the ACA.
Many Members of Congress, in both parties, are working hard to inform their constituents about these benefits, protections, and affordable plans. But there’s also a group of Republicans in Congress working hard to confuse people, and making empty promises that they’ll either shut down the health care law, or, if they don’t get their way, they’ll shut down the government.
Think about that. They’re actually having a debate between hurting Americans who will no longer be denied affordable care just because they’ve been sick – and harming the economy and millions of Americans in the process. And many Republicans are more concerned with how badly this debate will hurt them politically than they are with how badly it’ll hurt the country.
A lot of Republicans seem to believe that if they can gum up the works and make this law fail, they’ll somehow be sticking it to me. But they’d just be sticking it to you.
What he’s actually doing is not just denigrating Congressional Republicans, but the majority of Americans who do not like this law. This is the reason I personally say that he is Not My President. As for shutting down the health care law, well, if Obama can ignore what it says, then why can’t others?
People want this gummed up. They more they know about the ACA, the more they despise it. Sure, there are a few provisions that people like, but the majority is a travesty and is also killing our economy. Of course, Obama doesn’t care. He’s set for life. He doesn’t actually have to worry about things like health care rationing, long lines to see a doctor, nor having a tough time finding a job.

If Congress doesn’t want this sorry excuse for healthcare, why should I want it.
I thought this was a great comment from Rasmussen on Americans attitude toward the Federal Government:
“…more voters than ever now believe a group of people randomly selected from the phone book could do a better job addressing the nation’s problems than the current Congress….”
This is the thinking of 47% with 20% not sure and only 33% disagreeing with the statement. link
64% Say Most Members of Congress Don’t Care What They Think
54% Are Very Angry at Congress
10% Rate Congress As Good or Excellent
New Low: 39% Think U.S. Elections Are Fair
And the Presidential Approval Index is nosediving again.
Looks like the Federal Government is getting a vote of NO CONFIDENCE from the American people, not that they will bother to listen.
The GOP doesn’t need to confuse people about Ocare. The bill itself succeeds in doing that. Problem is, O himself doesn’t understand this monstrosity, and neither does congress; except for those who have read enough to know they don’t want any part of it.
Our whiner in chief may still play well to his base, but I believe that finally most people don’t believe his crap. And if they are not completely brain dead, they’ll help elect conservatives in 2014- and put a halt to this murder plot they call “affordable healthcare”.