Happy Sunday! Another gorgeous day in the once and future nation of America. This pinup is by Fiona Stephenson with a wee bit of help.
BTW, someone asked what the headline that I use for these posts every Sunday means. Well, it goes back to the mid-2000’s, where many in the blogosphere decided that Sunday should be the BlogSabbath, and blogs should take a small break, and at most have a post or two, or even none. Many of those who ran in the Blog Circle have given up their blogs (I’ve been doing this since 2004, and have seen many come and go), but you can still see this at The Jawa Report, where owner Rusty Shackleford was one of the big proponents of the BlogSabbath. You rarely see a post there on Sundays.
Double BTW, I get most of the below links from my feedreader, and I see many blogs dying. If you want on, send me your info. Or send me blogs which should be on my feedreader.
Anyhow, what is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Powerline notes that Dems are rallying their hater base for 2014
- Glenn Reynolds highlights that the feds are threatening Lavabit founder for shutting down his service
- The Jawa Report points out that Oprah says you’re a racist no matter what
- The Last Tradition features the Obama Rodeo Clown was in L.A.
- The People’s Cube is worried about blindness in Germany
- White House Dossier notes that Obama thinks health insurance is a “right”
- Wake Up America points out that Bloomberg is not happy about cameras on his cops
- This ain’t Hell… has the feel good story of the day
- The Daley Gator notes that a CDC study contradicts Dear Leader’s anti-gun narrative
- Scared Monkeys covers illegals wanting in-state tuition in my North Carolina
- Rhymes With Right clowns around
- Maggie’s Notebook covers the army of Obamacare navigators
- Legal Insurrection wonders what happens with a #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen hashtag
- Jammie Wearing Fools notes it was a slow night in Chicago
- And last, but not least, Hot Air Pundit has a feel good story from El Al Airlines
- And one to grow on: Don Surber returns to the Blogosphere (a little bit) with his Daily Scoreboard
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page. While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check outwhat I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts
- The Other McCain Full Metal Jacket. And how about Live At 5. And Rule 5 Sunday! (last week’s).
- Proof Positive has Best Of The Web Linkaround. And a Friday night babe! And Vintage Babe of the Week.
- Camp Of The Saints has Rule 5 with Jelena Jensen. And Rule 5 News (last week’s).
- Daley Gator has random hotness and rule 5 (last week’s). And DaleyGator DaleyBabes!. And Bonnie McKee at Daley Gator Daley Babes (this is part of his 100 hottest women. Head over and check the rest).
- American Power has Phoebe Cates turning 50. And Amanda Seyfried as Linda Lovelace (last week’s).
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014. And Saturday’s Larwyn’s Linx: The Liberty Amendments.
- Theo Spark says Saturday Night is bath night. Also, The Sunday Best. Plus, Sunday Totty.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday morning links. And Friday afternoon links.
- Nice Deb has Saturday Movie Matinee. And Friday Free For All.
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- Randy’s Roundtable has Thursday Nite Tart.
- Reaganite Republican has the Sunday funnies. And Reaganite with a Adrianna Lima.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday – Daniela Pestova. And Beach Babes.
- The Last Tradition has old school rule 5, Jane Mansfield.
- The Chive has women and mirrors.
- Watcher of Weasels has this weeks’ Council results. And thanks to all who linked back to Pirate’s Cove in the Watcher’s Council nomination post.
- In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has the Friday Pinup.
- Barking Moonbat EWS has hot tea.
- All American Blogger has Weekend Link Love: Pink Floyd Edition (last week’s).
- PJ Lifestyle also has Phoebe Cates
- Sentry Journal tee’s up a roundup of links, Sticks and Stones Edition (last week’s).
- House Of Eratosthenes doesn’t have Rule 5, but does explain conservatives and liberals.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has morning mistress. And late night ladies. And girls with guns.
- Victory Girls Blog has Egypt’s Chaos, Obama’s Golf Swing, and Weekend Links!
- And ending with the always awesome The First Street Journal which has some different Rule 5, featuring military women: Working On Saturday Again. And From Around The Blogroll.
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. (BTW, since someone asked, the reason I leave links for the previous week up (or you might see a *) is because they are place holders for later in the day or for next weeks. Easier than rewriting all the time. Also, the listing order has to do with how they are added over time, not how good a post is. I just copy and paste from the previous week, then edit. If you see one of the *’s, go ahead and check out the blog anyhow, see if there is an update. I cannot update with my Android during the day.
The posts do take a long time, so, if you want to send me your links for Rule 5 babeage or links, use ye olde email in the header bar (remove the NOSPAM part). Preferably, create the html link so I can copy and paste how you want it to read.

[…] Linked at Pirate’s Cove in this Sunday’s Fine Fifteen [16 this week] with the added bonu… // […]
You know what they say about fat girls and scooters? They’re both fun to ride until your friends find out!
I know! I know! Terribly sexist! I will personally apologize to any fat girl (over dinner and a movie)!
-As always, your inclusion of TCOTS is much appreciated, Admiral.
-Proof: There’s a difference between fat chicks
and voluptous gals
But Teach isn’t the Sabbath defined in the Bible as eginning of Friday at sundown? Sabbath Day=Satur Day
Sunday should be reserved for worship of the Sun god.
John, you really have a propensity for showing your ignorance.
The term “sabbath” mean “a time or period or rest from normal activity.”
THE Sabbath has a differnent meaning for different people of different faiths, but that is not what is being referred to in the term “Blogging Sabbath.”
Instead, it “Blogging Sabbath” correctly refers to “taking a break from the normal activity of blogging.”
You are simply wrong in your assertion as is normal for you.
Oh, John, John, John. Seriously, dude, can you never actually enjoy something? And work on your adult comprehension.