There are all sorts of good reasons to not attack Syria. Canadian Warmists have found another
(Rabble…btw, you have to read their About page to understand how far left these nuts are) Syria. It’s about oil. Again.
It’s more complex than that, but as noted in the Guardian, the plans for an attack on Syria are “fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concern”. Obama, Harper, and other war proponents are quick to claim that a US-led war on Syria wouldn’t be another Iraq. But with an Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline plan in the balance, that’s precisely what it would be — the latest Western war waged against a Middle Eastern country to ensure control of the oil and gas in the region.
Hmm, oil, huh? Just like Libya? So, why are you Progressives out marching in the street against Obama? Or do you only do that against Republican presidents?
And while the hawks beat the oily drums of war once more, using a chemical attack in Syria as a pretext, little is said of the fact that a U.S.-led attack on Syria would be a attack on the entire world. This attack would release lethal quantities of CO2, an indiscriminate killer already known to cause at least 300,000 deaths every year, through an increasing amount of floods, droughts, hurricanes, heat waves, wildfires, and more.
By 2030, carbon-induced climate chaos could kill 500,000 annually.
The tragedy in Syria is an indisputably epic humanitarian disaster, with upwards of 100,000 killed in the civil war since 2011, 2 million refugees, and 4 million internally displaced. But launching even a “limited” bombing campaign in Syria would exacerbate the largest humanitarian disaster facing the world — climate chaos — while also claiming the lives of many Syrian civilians.
See? It’s so simple. To hell with the use of chemical weapons, hundreds of thousands killed, freedom from tyranny, any noble causes (hey, didn’t Barack just say some about reconciling “your belief in freedom and dignity for all people” for the Left just 5 days ago?), any military action could release some CO2, an “indiscriminate killer”, lethal, ya know, causing weather. And chaos. And, hey, possibly even a really cold winter. I bet it’s the reason I forgot to by Powerball tickets last night, too.

Prove it.
If true, I think they call that asphyxiation. Or, suicide.
And, please tell me how war’s major bad thing… is CO2? Someone needs to work on their priorities!