If the science was so sound then they could stand up to a little scrutiny and debate
A “No Deniers Rule†for Solutions Companies (skipping all the way to the end)
If companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple refuse to give to Denier politicians and organizations like those laid out in our “Dealing in Doubt†report, then those people will quickly learn that if they want the support of America’s vanguard companies, they can’t be on the wrong side of climate history. No Deniers Allowed.
Then users and employers of Google, Facebook, and others would be able to stay proud of all that those companies have done for clean energy, without worrying that the companies are undermining that work by helping keep climate deniers like Inhofe in power.
The writer is Phillip Radford, the executive director of Greenpeace USA. Head on over to Google, Yahoo, or Bing and search “Greenpeace hypocrisy”. You’ll have lots of material to go through. Like this.

We need to start naming these cultists. If they are deeming it normal to call us “realists” as “deniers”, then I demand that we call them “inquisitors” – after the Catholic Inquisition that sowed hate and fear across the globe against those who did not follow the cult’s beliefs.
Amazing how lobbying and PAC funds are good when it serves their purpose, eh?
How about a term that the common person understands. Witch Hunters. After all EVERTHING is caused by global warming.
If there are floods it is caused by global warming.
If there are droughts it is caused by global warming.
If there are blizzards it is caused by global warming.
If there are forest fires it is caused by global warming.
If there are diseases it is caused by global warming.
If the crops rot in the fields it is caused by global warming.
If the milk goes sour it is caused by global warming.
If the hens don’t lay eggs it is caused by global warming.
From WIKI on Witches:
…The first category includes the powers to cause impotence, to turn milk sour, to strike people dead, to cause diseases, to raise storms, to cause infants to be stillborn, to prevent cows from giving milk, to prevent hens from laying and to blight crops…. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_witchcraft
YUP, Grist is a GENUINE Witch hunter.