By Doing Something, they mean “passing restrictive gun laws that won’t actually Do Something, and won’t stop mass shootings because criminals will Find A Way, and most of these shootings are by people who would never have passed a background check in the first place, or might possibly have passed all sorts of background checks which not only provided a big security clearance but also a concealed carry permit”
(Politico) Obama again hinted at his view that Congress must act to to help prevent future massacres, but offered no specifics and stopped short of promising a new White House campaign on that front.
“We are confronting yet another mass shooting — and today, it happened on a military installation in our nation’s capital,†the president said, as he pressed forward with a speech on the five-year anniversary of the economic crisis. “Obviously, we’re going to be investigating thoroughly what happened, as we do so many of these shootings, sadly, that have happened, and do everything that we can to try to prevent them.â€
Again, the shooting happened in a gun free zone. Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence wants the White House to push hard again for more restrictive gun control (which doesn’t work particularly well in Mr. Obama’s hometown of Chicago). We can be sure that Michael Bloomberg’s deep pocketed Mayors For Taking Guns Away From Legal Citizens Or At Least Making It Very Difficult For Law Abiding Citizens to Defend Themselves From Criminals will be out with an ad campaign.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) began a written statement Monday evening on the attack by mourning the dead and extending her “thoughts and prayers,†but she did not shy away from painting the Navy Yard shooting as more evidence of the need for gun legislation.
“This is one more event to add to the litany of massacres that occur when a deranged person or grievance killer is able to obtain multiple weapons—including a military-style assault rifle—and kill many people in a short amount of time,†Feinstein said.
If the person has so many issues, might they not find a way to commit mass murder regardless? How many people die due to alcohol every year? But, we do not ban, say, anything with a proof over 40%. We do not ban motor vehicles, despite all the deaths. Heck, Liberals want to hand driver’s licenses over to illegal aliens.
Expect all sorts of emotional opinion pieces and talking points (Eugene Robinson didn’t wait long) in the coming days with calls for Do Something that strangely seem to do nothing to stop criminals.
More: Looks like Piers”Musket” Morgan and others pushing the “assault rifle” narrative jumped the gun (sic), via Ed Morrissey
FBI Washington field office just confirmed gunman was NOT armed with AR15. Spokesperson says 1 shotgun and 2 pistols recovered
— Pamela Brown (@PamelaBrownCNN) September 17, 2013
Wait, wait, didn’t Joe Biden recommend that everyone “buy a shotgun“?
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

Story is, the gunman arrived with a shotgun and got the pistols from some of his victims.
But I agree, the Clinton ban on armed personnel on American bases is ludicrous and stupid.
We trust the military to defend us, but not on our own shores?
one wonders how taking guns away from even more sane responsible people will protect them from the crazy irresponsible law-breaking people?
For some reason, we are in an era of escalating violence. I suspect it is because we have some of the worst leadership in history. But, in the face of this social instability, we have people advocating to remove a significant instrument to our security. That does not make sense. Any gun bill should also outlaw the use of security forces by any and all politicians and disarming the police.
If guns lead to violence, then you are correct, we need to fully remove guns from everyone and everywhere. No exceptions.
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