I wonder if Piers “Musket” Morgan will mention this on his show tonight for his 10 viewers? And, shockingly, this appeared in the NY Times. The content editors must have started their cocktail hour early
The suspect in the killing of 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard on Monday test-fired an AR-15 assault rifle at a Virginia gun store last week but was stopped from buying one because state law there prohibits the sale of such weapons to out-of-state buyers, according to two senior law enforcement officials.
But, don’t worry, the editors popped back in to make sure that you know the shotgun is super scary by adding a bit of hysteria in paragraph 2
Instead, the suspect, Aaron Alexis of Texas, bought a law-enforcement-style shotgun — an 870 Remington pump-action — and used it on Monday as he rampaged through the navy yard, said the officials, who requested anonymity because the investigation was continuing.
While it is certainly used by law enforcement and military, that’s because it is the most popular shotgun sold, great for shooting, hunting, and self defense, affordable, and easy for all to use, including law enforcement, and is exactly what VP Joe “Buy a shotgun” Biden recommended
The lawyer, J. Michael Slocum, said in an e-mail that Mr. Alexis bought a Remington 870 Express 12-gauge shotgun and about two boxes of ammunition, or about 24 shells.
Apparently, this is what a “law-enforcement-style shotgun” now looks like, so we apparently need to ban all of them.
Well, maybe the Times finds the black, or, gulp, camouflage versions to be super scary.

Law Stopped Aaron Alexis From Purchasing Scary Looking Rifle, Instead Bought “Law Enforcement Syle Shotgun 
Law Stopped Aaron Alexis From Purchasing Scary Looking Rifle, Instead Bought “Law Enforcement Syle Shotgun 
It is high time that we ban black guns. They add an extra level of lethality and are super duper really scary to look at. They make certain people feel uncomfortable knowing that someone has one of these kinds of assault weapons.
I know, as an unlearned child, I once had one of these deadly assault guns. It was black and had a large magazine capable of holding massive amount (all day) of ammo without the need to reload.
They even sold it under disguise with the innocuous sounding name of “Daisy”.
But, I grew up. I learned. Black is not beautiful. Black is scary. Black is deadly.
It is way past time that we ban all black weapons of mass destruction to protect our children. And yes, I’m looking at Black TV sets too.
Turns out the Times was wrong about that also.
Yeah, saw that.
But, the media initially started claiming that he had used an AR-15 rifle to kill his victims.
I think the point should be slapped at them that he chose and used a weapon that Vice-child Biden insisted that people should rely upon.
Yeah but Biden recommended firing the gun in the air – not at the person, Gumball.
Because loud noises will drive criminals away.
Next up: liberals will seek to educate on air horns being a primary defensive weapon.
Gotta laugh like a pirate.