How’d this make it through the censors at the NY Times?
It is an audacious undertaking with wide and deep support in Germany: shut down the nation’s nuclear power plants, wean the country from coal and promote a wholesale shift to renewable energy sources.
But the plan, backed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and opposition parties alike, is running into problems in execution that are forcing Germans to come face to face with the costs and complexities of sticking to their principles.
German families are being hit by rapidly increasing electricity rates, to the point where growing numbers of them can no longer afford to pay the bill. Businesses are more and more worried that their energy costs will put them at a disadvantage to competitors in nations with lower energy costs, and some energy-intensive industries have begun to shun the country because they fear steeper costs ahead. (snip)
A new phrase, “energy poverty,†has entered the lexicon.
It certainly doesn’t help that 4 of the last 5 winters in Germany, and much of the world, have been brutal, and this winter is predicted to be brutal as well. And, because of all this barely-functioning “green” energy along with the destruction of energy that works to meet “climate change carbon reduction goals” Germans are regressing to earlier times before modern energy.
At some point these “green” methods will work. That time is not now.

Wanna go green for realz? Go nuclear. Pure long term and reliable energy. And let companies do it. Get out of the way and reduce the governmental red tape while securing the safety net. Then you’ll see an explosion of health, life, and quality of life.
All else is frivolous (beyond carbon based) and frivolity.