I’m thinking they’ll report the numbers sometime between the 27th and 29th
(Jake Tapper) The Obama administration is not planning on releasing enrollment numbers on Obamacare until November, senior administration officials said Monday, as they continued to insist that delays with the healthcare.gov website were entirely the result of high volume.
“We will release monthly data when it is available,†a senior administration official told CNN. “We have not given an exact date, but it will be after end of month and we will work with states to collect their data to have a good picture of what’s happening across the country.â€
But the administration has released numbers on the total numbers of visits to the federal site, approximately 8.6 million as of Friday, according to Health and Human Services data. A number cited as evidence of interest in the program. However, it is not clear how many of those who have visited the site were able to successfully use it, or stopped because of technical issues and slow speeds.
One has to wonder how many of those hits come from people using a different computer to attempt to sign up? How many are from people just wandering over to the site? I’ve hit the site from both my laptop and smartphone, which would generate hits. Also, what do they consider a “unique hit”? It’s generally a daily consideration, hence, you could have the same person trying day after day after day. But, hits mean nothing in the overall scheme of things: what matters is how many sign up. And, people will eventually sign up. People have no choice, or they’ll get fined/taxed. Plus, people need health insurance because so many companies are dumping their plans.
Regardless, the only state willing to give out numbers is Kentucky, whose exchange seems to be doing OK, as far as enrollment goes. Of course, these people haven’t actually tried to use the insurance yet.
Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

And does anyone really think that come November, we’ll get honest numbers?
The numbers will not mean anything as many people, including myself, are being forced on the exchange due to canceled policies.
I love them saying high volume. THey’ve had 3 years to get ready and they knew how many people would get online.
8 million hits in 96 hours? Actually, it’s less than that since they were offline for quite a bit of that. But still, in a country as populated as America, 330 million and only 8.6 million hit the site? Many of whom are news people and people just looking around?
Paltry numbers. horrendous.
I had a convo with a lady that Adam Baldwin tweeted that she got on ObamaCare. I asked how when her family of 5 only made 32K a year. She should be on Medicaid and that would give her an exemption. She proudly stated that she refuses to get on welfare and as a self-employed family, welfare is a huge boiling cesspool of a hassle. I told her I admired her resolve, but at this stage of the game, she should probably game the system in order to save her family’s income. I believe she said she would have to pay $200 a month for the insurance.
And, since she’s in Texas, she would not be eligible for subsidies as the Feds are doing the Exchange there.
So, Obama to TX lady: “Screw you and your independence.”