Zero tolerance follies
(Fox) The mother of a special needs middle school student in South Carolina said her son was suspended Monday after he brought in a drawing of a bomb to school, reported.
Rhett Parham, the boy, is a fan of the video game “Bomber Man” and drew the cartoonish explosive, Amy Parham, his mother, said. Officials at the Hillcrest Middle School in Greenville told her that her son was suspended indefinitely after showing the drawing to older students who informed administrators, she told the station.
“They actually reiterated to me they knew he was non-violent,” said Parham. “They knew he was not actually having a bomb, creating or making a bomb. But that they could not go without making an example of him and take some type of action because they were worried about their perception. Perception is actually the word he used. Perception is reality, and parents might think you have a bomb or [might be] violent.”
Mom should have said he was a Muslim, then CAIR and the ACLU would have rushed in threatening law suits.

I have always said Zero Tolerance means Zero Common Sense
as a follow-up, the kid’s suspension was lifted….
…… but even with a good outcome, this never should have happened in the first place.
Thanks again GC.
Glad reason came thru. But yeah, Proof, you is right. Zero Tolerance was only meant for troubled youth who have been in trouble before – or for violent acts.
Pastries are not violent acts. A kindergartner saying “POW” is not a violent act. Having a knife in your fishing box locked in your car is not a violent act. Having a replica gun in your locked car because you are a civil war re-enactor is not a violent act.
How about zero tolerance for administrators?