They needed more instruction in agitation and whining
(USA Today) Students from more than 720 campuses and communities attended Power Shift 2013 last weekend in order to discuss climate, energy and environmental justice issues.
Power Shift, hosted by Energy Action Coalition, is a biannual convergence of young activists that seeks to help further the movement to end fracking (the process of fracturing rock layers very deep within the earth in order to extract natural gas or oil), create a clean energy future and divest for fossil fuels.
For the first time, Power Shift was held in Pittsburgh rather than its usual location in Washington D.C.
The weekend offered workshops, keynote speakers and more than 200 panels on how to run campaigns that promote a clean and just energy economy on their own campuses or within their own communities.
Apparently, no one attending Power Shift noticed the hypocrisy.
In all fairness, what they’re agitating for is for schools to divest from the same fossil fuels that the Young Deluded Warmists use to travel to and from class. And Power Shift.

“environmental justice”? I guess that means the redistribution of warmth from Florida to New York. We all know those greedy Floridians are hording the stuff.
These confrences must have a workshop/breakout session for confessionals where they can confess their use fossil fuels and receive absolution and buy indulgnces. How else can they live with their sins of warming up the planet and sins of hypocrisy?
They purchase “carbon offsets”, which I bet go into the pockets of those who run Power Shift.
I did a PowerShift the other day. Laid down a bit of that ecofriendly burnt rubber on the roadway. Hey, at least that evil rubber isn’t laying in some ground somewhere as oil and ore. CAn’t leave it there to pollute. Better it remain on some mainly-impermeable surface.
So, when will these eco-terrorists start living their lifestyle that they demand others live…. and not reproduce and get off the grid? Don’t they believe in overpopulation? I’m sure that they are wearing hemp clothes that they harvested by hand and made themselves. Right?
ummm… right?