We’ve been bombarded with stories like
- Buzzkill? How Climate Change Could Eventually End Coffee
- How Climate Change Is Threatening Your Daily Cup of Coffee
- The Last Drop? Climate Change May Raise Coffee Prices, Lower Quality
Yeah, about that
(Business Recorder) Arabica coffee prices sank to 6-1/2 year lows and teetered on the brink of $1 per lb on Wednesday as investors continued to bet on lower prices due to expectations of record crops in top-growers in South America, while cocoa eased from the previous day’s spike.
Wait, a record coffee crop? How is that possible? Oh, wait, my bad, I forgot that Warmists predict doom 50-100 years out. Because all their short term predictions fail, so they have to try and scare people based on something that “might” happen.

[…] William Teach noted the predictions by the warmists that climate change would mean the end of the coffee crop, but, instead, record crop yields have been realized. Wait, a record coffee crop? How is that possible? Oh, wait, my bad, I forgot that Warmists predict doom 50-100 years out. Because all their short term predictions fail, so they have to try and scare people based on something that “might†happen. […]