Of course, they don’t put “climate change” in quotation marks like I do
Yes, Typhoon Haiyan Was Caused by Climate Change
This article is a joint publication of TheNation.com and Foreign Policy In Focus.
It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.
For the second year in a row, the world’s strongest typhoon barreled through the Philippines, Yolanda following on the footsteps steps of Pablo, a k a Bopha, in 2012. And for the third year in a row, a destructive storm deviated from the usual path taken by typhoons, striking communities that had not learned to live with these fearsome weather events because they were seldom hit by them in the past. Sendong in December 2011 and Bopha last year sliced Mindanao horizontally, while Yolanda drove through the Visayas, also in a horizontal direction.
That it was climate change creating the super typhoons that were taking weird directions was a message from Nature not just to Filipinos but to the whole world, whose attention was transfixed on the televised digital images of a massive, angry cyclone bearing down, then sweeping across the central Philippines on its way to the Asian mainland. The message that Nature was sending via Yolanda–which packed winds stronger than Superstorm Sandy, which hit New Jersey and New York last October, and Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans in 2005–was especially meant for the governments of the world that are assembling in Warsaw for the annual global climate change negotiations (COP 19), beginning on November 11.
Obviously, bad weather never happened before the combustion engine using fossil fuels. And weather that did occur was completely predictable and reliable.
Is it a coincidence, ask some people who are not exactly religious, that both Pablo and Yolanda arrived at the time of the global climate negotiations? Pablo smashed into Mindanao during the last stages of the Conference of Parties (COP 18), in Doha last year.
Why does the word “witchcraft” scroll through my brain? Also, anthropomorphizing the storms and the mostly natural weather of the Earth.
Anyhow, the majority of deadly cyclones occurred when CO2 was at the safe level of 350ppm or less. It was completely predictable that Warmists would go off the reservation over Haiyan/Yolanda, and they’ll probably pimp this meme for months, just like with Sandy (which wasn’t a hurricane at landfall, and was made worse by a big cold-front).

“Is it a coincidence, ask some people who are not exactly religious, that both Pablo and Yolanda arrived at the time of the global climate negotiations? ”
Or is it a coincidence that the climate negotiations happen during hurricane/typhoon season?
Environmentalist wackos are not just annoying and dangerous, but intolerably stupid.
Aw, man, Uncle Dan stole my first thoughts regarding the timing. I would say “Great minds and all”, but I’m not so sure about mine.
As to the typhoon occurring because of climate change, well, duh. The “climate” was warm, dry but humid prior to the typhoon, then it “changed” to warm, wet and humid afterward. Granted, most rational people call that weather….but we already know the environuts are not rational creatures.
Well, wait a second! If Mother Nature wants to send us a message, what message is she sending when she diverted every single Atlantic hurricane away from our shores this year? Why, this is the land of the Denialists; you’d think that Gaia would want to bitch-slap us, not the Filipinos.
Instead, we’ve been rewarded for our Denialism; how cool is that?
And yet, that is the fault of Teach using his ice maker in the winter? Maybe if man was allowed to be more adaptive than reactionary like we in the Western Civi, they’d be more prepared.
Yeah, we get spring storms that are stronger than TS Sandy. Sandy’s impact was during high tide and a large swath and fairly deep pressure.
As most typhoons do. They have no land surface out in the Eastern Pacific to slow them down. Katrina was a Cat3(?) at landfall? So, not much of a stretch to say that a non-categorized cat-5 typhoon (cuz they are not “categorized” like hurricanes are) would be stronger than a TS or Cat3 storm. DUH!!
THEN STOP DOING THE ‘NEGOTIATIONS’ THEN!!! DUH! If you believe that you can piss off mother nature, and you suggest that this weather has hit each time you gather to talk about her, then STOP!!!!
BTW, the storm may have started when it was near the equator and in warm water… but it strengthened over less-warm waters and then made landfall in normal temp waters. how is that global warming? How is that deep ocean heating?
IDIOT Witchcraft people.