Obviously, weather patterns never changed before Man invented the fossil fueled combustion engine, and big rains never happened before CO2 crossed the safe threshold of 350ppm. Here’s Joe Romm’s George Soros funded Climate Progress
The redistribution of rainfall predicted by climate change modeling is playing out in real life, a new study by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has found.
The research, published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first study to find the signal of climate change in global precipitation shifts across land and sea. According to The Australian, large-scale studies to date have overlooked the 77 percent of global rainfall that occurs over the oceans.
The initial change has resulted in wet areas, such as the tropics, becoming wetter, while drier regions such as deserts have become more arid. The effect is expected to worsen as climate change continues to worsen.
According to the study, greenhouse gasses affect the distribution of precipitation through two mechanisms. Increasing temperatures that are expected to make wet regions wetter and dry regions drier (thermodynamic changes) and changes in atmospheric circulation patterns will push storm tracks and subtropical dry zones toward the poles.
And, of course they Blame Mankind, with the lead author, Kate Marvel, claiming that the changes cannot be explained by natural variability alone, it must be you and your reliance on your fossil fueled vehicle. Cause nature never changed before. The Climate Creationists have spoken.
And, yes, this is a meme, with lots of news articles on the subject over the past 24 hours. If only Warmists would give up their own fossil fueled travel, unplug the fridge, turn off the AC, heat their homes with solar power, and give up the hairspray, Gaia would be saved.

Wait, how do they know an ocean gets rain, and gets “wetter”?
I’m confused. Is this like the bad version of dihydrogen monoxide?
and this is different from reality how? Are they saying that they don’t want greenhouse gases doing this? So, they don’t want water vapor moving around? Or are they saying they don’t want water vapor, methane, and CO2 in our atmosphere?
Funny that.
If you think about it, technically they are right. Some one has to see if the sky is coludy or sunny, wet or dry, that is a measurement done by man, someone has to put it there first. Chaos theory Heisenberg principle states if you interfere with the stasis, you have changed the outcome. You measured a state, you interfeered with the old outcome, its changed. Butterflies again.
You refute scientific studies by arguing:
1. climate has changed before
2. climate scientists heat their homes
Do you feel unqualified to refute the technical aspects of the studies? That’s understandable. Scientists spend many years in training and often work decades in highly specialized areas. It’s understandable that laypeople have difficulty comprehending their work.
You accuse climate scientists of being cultists and practicing a religion, yet it is you using ideology, not evidence, to argue their findings:
1. the climate has changed before
2. climate scientists heat their homes
You might as well just say what you really believe: God controls the weather.
Yet, GHGs continue to accumulate, the Earth continues to warm at a rapid rate, and changes in weather patterns consistent with warming are being identified.
Not in the least. My science and biology background give me enough basis in theory and logic process to determine differences between BS and attempts at real science.
You do realize that the “realm” of climate science as a profession is only a decade or two old, right? Many in this “profession” are not climate scientists. Some are mathematicians. Some are even bad literary authors. Some are railroad workers. Some are former newsroom workers.
So, your claim that they are a high and mighty, never to be looked up upon, to even deign to suggest that their wild hair thoughts might be wrong…. is wrong. Especially in the face of your idol worship of your chosen few.
And thus clearly explains the mindset of the cult followers of CAGW. “this topic is waaaayyy to complicated for you mere peons to even comprehend, so don’t even bother trying to even ask a question. It will only lead to your shame. TRUST us. Let us guide adn direct your lives for you. We know BEST”
Yeah… no. We’ve done dictatorships and totalitarian regimes before. They’ve never ended well. Usually with massive bloodshed. Odd that we are also heading toward a despotic tyranny. Wonder how this version will turn out?
If the shoe fits. Blind adherence to a faith with no proof, no foundation, and only seeks to harm the populace. That’s a cult. They treat it as occult religion, as you’ve even outlined here. There are things that are hidden, knowledge that only a few can know or comprehend. We can’t share them with you because this is private knowledge. Yeah,… it’s a cult.
Pot meet black.
We’ve given you evidence time and time again, but you are the one that only throws blind and biased information around. When countered, you claim to have never said it.
And what IF I did? How would that change anything you mentioned here? How would that change anything I’ve mentioned here? A belief in GOD does not change science. Science started out in the attempt to explain GOD’s actions. To make the actions of GOD make sense to man’s mind in a formal consistent manner.
GHGs have always accumulated. And they’ve decreased. What’s your point?
That lie has already been disproven. Move along.
That is a lie because 1) you guys claim all weather is consistent with your models. That makes it false. 2) Changes we’ve seen over the last 30 years have happened before and were typically stronger before. 3) Last few decades were not foreseen by your predictive models. That makes your statement false.
This is not ideology. This is fact based on science. Your blindness and ignorant devotion to CAGW at all costs is madness. Instead of trying to help your fellow man lift themselves up out of poverty, you want to crush those doing well down to poverty. how will that help anyone?
Face it. Your cult is anti-human and its intent is to remove man and all his machinations from Earth.