I’m really not surprised that so few Democrats put Party and Obama over country, but 39 is a good number
(The Hill) The House passed legislation on Friday that allows insurance companies to offer health plans that were cancelled for not meeting new requirements under ObamaCare.
Thirty-nine Democrats broke with their party’s leaders and backed the bill despite a veto threat by the White House, highlighting the political problem the issue has come for President Obama’s party. Only four Republicans opposed it.
This puts 157 on record as saying “screw The People”. They tried to replace it with legislation that would only extend keep your plan for 1 year. Without people getting dropped the legislation breaks down into massive costs.
Over to you now, Dem Senate. Not that Harry Reid will allow a vote.

When was the last time a Demo-liberal put the country first? Power, party, self are the only things a demo-liberal recognizes having any value. Patriotism, and morals are so yesterday and right-wing. Demo-liberals are so sophisticated and so nuanced they are above such things. Any Demo-liberal voting for a Republican bill is simply a vote for self-preservation.
The same time a Repub-liberal did, Blick.
You think Upton’s BAN on incandescent bulbs was one of allowing choice, protecting America, and reducing gov’t control and interference? Or was it one of limiting choice, forcing gov’t intrusion, and increasing health hazards inside our home?
Breaks my soul that this country that fought against tyranny, socialism, communism, marxism, has allowed the slow drift of our nation to the same. Fortunately, we do have many armed patriots compared to the unarmed Socialists.