…is a wonder field of what might be corn used for ethanol, and if it isn’t, well, out up solar panels, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day The Hockey Schtick, with a post on a new paper on corals not being bummed out by “climate change”.

Let’s see… a peer-reviewed article filtered through NIPCC, Hockey Schtick and the Pirate Cave, none of which linked to the free article online. What could go wrong, lol?
concluding sentence from the article abstract: “Acclimatisation through changing symbiotic association therefore does not seem to be an option for Indo-Pacific corals to deal with future OA (ocean acidification).”
and from the discussion: “The diversity of coral communities is sharply reduced at the three seep sites compared with the control sites…”
The NIPCC and The Hockey Schtick have willfully lied to you. wt just didn’t read the original article when he lazily linked to the Schtick.
Science is hard.
Dinoflagellates are photosynthetic endosymbionts with coral (and other marine invertebrates) and are responsible for “fixing” much of the organic carbon the corals use for energy. Here’s what they observed: Seep sites that they examined (where CO2 levels were quite high) had 1) reduced diversity of corals (implying at least one species of coral MAY have adapted to high CO2, and 2) that the population of dinoflagellates associated with the corals was not significantly different between the seep site coral and the “normal” coral.
wt’s conclusion that this means coral are not “bummed out” by “climate change” is hardly relevant to the paper.
That’s exactly what that means.
For you cultists, CO2 = climate change = bad.
This small study found that those sites situated around CO2 seeps were not unduly affected compared those sites not around seeps.
Pretty easy if one knows how to think.