Another lecture from people who they themselves are massive hypocrites. What started out as a nice article about keeping the people in the Philippines affected by the typhoon in your prayers, it goes downhill fast
(San Jose Mercury News) It has been two weeks of agony for the victims of one of the worst typhoons on record in the island nation of the Philippines. And it continues on as all of us gather for our annual Thanksgiving celebrations. (big snip)
The country sits in the midst of the world’s most storm-prone area. It is an area of very deep ocean waters, which have experienced some of the highest sea level changes. As man-caused global warming continues, these severe climatic events will be repeated. As population pressures expand Philippine cities, those in the low-lying coastal areas are especially vulnerable. It is also apparent that the meager local resources in places like Leyte were no match for the severity of this event.
Seriously, they just can’t help themselves in dragging Progressive politics into the mix.
As for the sea level change, how do they know? The closest reporting station for the region affected is Davao, in the Philippines, which showed 5.32mm per year, which would add up to 1.75 feet in 100 years, well within the margin of normality for a typical warm period. Yet, it has not functioned since 1994. The Legaspi station is more current, and shows a similar trend, yet it has no data past 2009.
The Jolo station, though, showed .19mm a year. It stopped providing data in 1996. The Manila station shows much higher rise, but it changed how it gathered data, and is also no-operational, starting in 2010. Looking around the region, data shows very different data. Might there not be some other reason for the differences? Why did Quinhon, Vietnam, show a 1.25 decrease? Warmists talk about thermal expansion, which is real, but cannot determine why supposed global warming affects different areas in different ways. Their general explanation is “because we say so”. The big point here is,though, is how can they make claims without actual data?

The seas have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age. I propose that science find a way to increase the ice cap (but not too much) to lower the sea levels to about 8,000BC about the time of the development of agriculture. That should satisfy everybody.
yeah, man causes all global warming. Man’s breath of CO2 causes the earth to be non-ice age? Yeah, because without man, there were no typhoons at all.
A little bit of lie with now a little bit of truth. The only reason why so many people are in danger from massive ocean-based storms, is because more and more people live along the coast.
To blame man for that is being anti-human.