Earlier I mentioned Obama giving a fundraising speech talking about illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, the day before…
(CBS8) Authorities in San Diego say Border Patrol agents were pelted with rocks and bottles as they tried to stop dozens of people who’d crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.
A Border Patrol statement says several agents were hit in the arms and legs with rocks and one was hit in the head by a water bottle during Sunday’s confrontation. But there were no serious injuries.
Authorities say more than 100 people had crossed into the U.S. west of the San Ysidro border checkpoint and became unruly when a border agent tried to stop them and then fired pepperballs.
More agents were called in, and would have been in the right had they used deadly force with a large group of illegals heading towards them. These people cross our borders illegally then get violent when they are told to get the hell out. Great people that Obama, Democrats, and some squishy Republicans want to legalize, eh?

Dirty, nasty Mexicans!
In related news: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/26/21623507-pope-francis-attacks-tyranny-of-unfettered-capitalism-idolatry-of-money?lite&ocid=msnhp&pos=7
and your racist hate-filled point is, J???
I say arm these border patrol with more riot gear. Give them more pepper weapons.
Hell, start building automated pepper weapons along the border and have them chain-fire at anything that moves.
Would definitely be cheaper to operate. And would really help deter border crossers.
Don’t know why people find it hard to secure our border. Lots of things can be done and put in layers.
1) moat
2) deep and high electrified steel fence
3) automated pepperball mini-guns
4) automated taser guns
5) wolves
and then make it known, that if you are caught in america illegally, we will not deport you. We will however make you cross back over. “good luck. Dodge-n-weave bud. Dodge-n-weave!!!”
Am I the only one not surprised by Jeffy’s failure to condemn people attacking law enforcement while committing a crime?
But there is something that is somewhat newsworthy on Jeffy’s link.
As the headline seems to indicate that the Pope is pushing for income redistribution and Jeffy has shown that he is for that (except for himself) there is something else.
Conservatives are often forgiving sorts and believe that people can turn their lives around. That is why we still hope that Jeffy will eventually become an honest and moral individual.
The first step may be his belief or support in this article. One would hope that as Jeffy believes the Pope’s words on wealth are true, surely he must believe the rest of what the Pope said.
From Jeffy’s source article:
There is no other conclusion other than Jeffy now believes that we should outlaw abortion.
Welcome to the moral and conservative side of the argument, Jeffy.
Wait. Wait, GC. Are you using J’s words against him? Isn’t that now racist?
Or is that only racist when used against a Socialist president?
Basically, his statement is consistent with the church’s teaching. “unfettered capitalism” is bad all the way around. That’s called fraud and theft. And Christian teachings have always have taught fairness and equality amongst followers. So that is nothing new.
I’m not seeing anything new here.
“structural causes of inequality” to me sounds like inequality in laws and tax code. Inequality in courts and justice.
I think we should listen to him.
What goes around, comes around. If you accept the Pope’s pronouncements on abortion, you must also accept his pronouncements on the evils of capitalism, right? Discuss.
I didn’t post the link as some sort of proof of anything. You did.
The question is do you believe the Pope’s outreach as stated is authoritative?
Yes or no?
That’s the discussion.
Also, I noticed you still can’t bring yourself to condemn the people attacking the Border Patrol when they were caught breaking the law.
The Pope urged: “…politicians to guarantee all citizens “dignified work, education and healthcare.”
Do you think he is wrong? I don’t happen to think the Pope is infallible as I don’t see any evidence of the supernatural. But I could be wrong. Do you think conservative Catholic politicians who oppose abortion and gays will now support the Pope’s exhortation to “guarantee all citizens dignified work, education and healthcare”? I suspect not.
Mexicans should not throw rocks and bottles at our border agents.
So you posted a link with the belief that what you demand of others doesn’t apply to you.
Thanks for reaffirming what we all knew.
Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system.
2 Thessalonians 3:10
9not because we do not have the right to this, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you, so that you would follow our example. 10For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either. 11For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies.…
Yeah, thanks for posting that Jeffy. I read that too. Many people go through a sort of “holiday stress” and it is good to get a laugh – even from the Pope.
Funny stuff.
I give you as proof: America
At least we have another group of people that J hates with a passion. But, at least we have him on record defending the border patrol using self defense.
I don’t get your point. Are you suggesting that Catholic Conservatives don’t believe that American citizens should have work, education or health care? I should actually point you to the fact that it was the various Socialist presidents and congress-persons that have ruined the job market, decimated the education system, and are now striving to destroy the best health care system in the world.
There have been no Socialist Presidents, and only one Socialist Senator that I know (the estimable Bernie Sanders). The US job market has been harmed by policies (mostly US) that favor overseas manufacturing and by policies that led to wage stagnation for the 99% (which also includes Romney’s ‘47%’). Our overall productivity increases yearly but the benefits accrue to the wealthiest among us. This redistribution of wealth to the rich is no more natural than global warming.
Close on healthcare: The US system is somewhere between 35th and 40th best! It’s by far the most expensive in the world and many millions of citizens had limited access. The projections had healthcare costs (which had been increasing at a much greater rate than general inflation) turning our manageable future debt into a nightmare. Since 2008, the healthcare inflation rate has dropped significantly and should continue to do so as Obamacare becomes deeply embedded in the day to day fabric of America.
Which again explains your ignorance, illiteracy, and refusal to seek and understand the truth. We’ve had a few of them. Biggest were Wilson, Carter, and Obama. I’d even throw Johnson in as a Socialist even though he was a repub. There were a few more but the names are eluding me this morning.
You’ll get no argument from us on that. Glad to know you are not a complete shrill for the Big Government Socialists. So, you agree then that we need less gov’t interference and more free market? Glad to hear it.
And you were going so well to. Those comments don’t really make any sense. As productivity increases, so do the jobs. More jobs = more people working. MOre people working = more people buying things. Benefits of a health economy flow all around. Surely you can’t be saying that the workers are giving their money to their bosses, are you? Or are you saying that our current form of gov’t redistributes the wealth from the poor and gives it to the wealthy? Hmmm, wonder who’s responsible for that?
Ok, you are really confusing numbers here and statistics here. When you say best, what do you mean? When I say best, I mean a health care system that produces innovation, finds cures left and right, does research out the wazzuu, rapidly responds to crises, does what it can to fix whatever is wrong, treats anyone, no matter their station. Our worldly medicine would not be where it is today without America and Israel.
When you say most expensive, what do you mean? I understand that to mean over-all expenditures. And I see that as a good thing. We have money to spend on getting people better. We do not limit our funds to cure our loved ones. We do not limit our research, paying for unique and rare cures or procedures. We don’t limit the amount of care someone receives. If someone wants to go to a doctor 500 times a year, and they pay for it, they can. And that means there’s alot of money changing hands.
And what do you mean by “limited access”? Do you mean those without insurance must use an Emergency Room or limit their access to doctors because they don’t have the comfy insurance to cover any and all of their oops and booboos? For most of my life I had limited access to health care. I had no insurance and that was by choice. I also didn’t run to the doctor unless it was serious. When I did, I paid for it.
That’s called self-control and responsibility, J. Look them up.
There have been no presidents that have been a part of the “Socialist Party.” That does not mean that presidents and senators have not had, advocated, and implemented socialistic ideals.