Monthly Archives: November 2013

Bummer: Paper Finds Pause In Arctic

Warmists have been trotting out a meme that there has been no pause at all, that the warming was double what was previously thought (just to be clear, what is called a pause was actually statistically insignificant warming, 0.28 since 1990 and 0.14 since 1997, though the data does show a declining temperature since 2000). […]

Uh Oh: Politico’s Roger Simon Proves Bush Didn’t Lie About Iraq War

Uber-liberal opinion writer Roger Simon, not to be confused with Conservative writer Roger L. Simon at Pajamas Media, has a pithy little piece entitled President Obama: Lying liar or media target? and makes a little mistake, which destroys the moonbat arguement that Bush lied, people died The reviews are in, and Obamacare is a disaster. […]

Chris Christie’s In-state Tuition For Illegals Passes Senate

This is legislation that Chris Christie, the guy who it seems the GOP Establishment wants for 2016, wants ( A bill to offer in-state tuition to undocumented immigrants who grew up in New Jersey is continuing its progress towards Gov. Chris Christie’s desk. The state Senate today voted 25 to 12 to approve the controversial […]

No Drama Obama

PBO really, really doesn’t like any draaaaama in his little bubble, because the POTUS shouldn’t ever have to deal with drama, dagnabit! (via Twitchy) (Time) And yet, as the dry-runs continued to produce red flags—over and over—the president remained in his steely cocoon. If this were the presidency of George W. Bush or Ronald Reagan, […]

If All You See…

…is a horrid drought world caused by people shooting evil guns which contain lead bullets, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Fire Andrea Mitchell, with a post on Valerie Jarrett leading negotiations with Iran. And some Rule 5 from Evil Blogger Lady and Diogenes’ Middle Finger.

Warmist: Climate Changed Caused The Japanese Tsunami

This is one of the reasons the Warmist movement is dangerous: it creates idiots (Raleigh N&O) Americans, 5 percent of the world population, are responsible for 25 percent of the global energy consumption. It is little disputed that carbon derived energy is responsible for climate change, itself seems guilty of “acts of God” like the […]

Warmists Robert J. Samuelson: We’re Not Sure What’s Going To Happen, But Let’s Get A Carbon Tax In Place Anyhow

The delusion of the Warmists is on complete display in this opinion piece called Global warming pragmatism Economist Robert Pindyck of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently examined the computer models that estimate the effects and costs of climate change — and he didn’t like what he found. The models reflect two gaping uncertainties, he […]

Here We Go: NY Times Editorial Board Finally Figures Out An Angle On Obamacare

The Editorial Board of the “Paper of Record” has been strangely silent over the past couple of weeks, with only tiny mentions of the “Affordable” Care Act over the past month, despite the enormous problems that have cropped up. Their last big one was when they deemed that Obama “misspoke” when he said “if you […]

Only In The Obameconomy Do You See This Scenario

A bit of a late Sunday night musing, but couldn’t let this one go. The Star Ledger’s Kathleen O’Brien offers “Obamacare tax pitfalls: Two scenarios“. Here’s the first Q. Let’s say you’re a single, 27-year-old who works at a pizzeria. At the time you apply for Obamacare, you’re making $15,900 a year. Halfway through 2014, […]

NY Times: Say, That Climate Change Thing Sure Creates Inequities, Eh?

I told you the other day about how Warmists are making a concerted push with the “inequities” meme. I’ve seen a bunch of tweets regarding #COP19 along those same lines. Now, here comes the NY Times, which apparently received the memo about the meme Growing Clamor About Inequities of Climate Crisis Following a devastating typhoon […]

Pirate's Cove