Yet another year with tepid Atlantic and Eastern Pacific hurricane activity
(Daytona Beach News Journal) Saturday was the end of hurricane season, and it appears as if meteorologists and climate theorists will be left scratching their heads.
The year 2013 is going to go down as the year with the fewest number of hurricanes since 1982. No one is going to complain, especially since it was not supposed to be so calm in Florida. To say the hurricane forecasters missed the mark is an understatement.
Before the hurricane season, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicted between 13 to 20 named storms, and between seven and 11 hurricanes. Of those, between two and six were supposed to be major hurricanes.
Thirteen named storms have formed this season. But only two hurricanes were named. Two is well below the annual average. And neither of those hurricanes was considered major.
And none made landfall in the continental United States. We are fast approaching 3,000 days since the last major (cat 3 or higher) hurricane made landfall. There has only been one hurricane strike since 2008, and it can be argued that Isaac was actually just below hurricane strength (Sandy was not at hurricane strength at time of landfall).
This piece by the paper’s editorial board even takes note of the Warmist talking points that the 2005 season would be the “new normal”, that we were doomed because of “climate change”, and then, since 2005, barely a peep.
Whatever the reason, perhaps it’s time for believers in “climate change†to cool their rhetoric about warming producing supercharged storms. Few people advocate emitting carbon into the atmosphere with no limits, but to achieve policy goals of carbon regulation, some climate-change believers have amped up their rhetoric to the extreme.
Yeah, but they won’t. They’re already coming up with excuses that Blame Mankind for the lack of tropical storm activity.
That’s at least debatable, but the rhetoric is getting so intense that dissent is sometimes forbidden. Look at the Los Angeles Times: An opinion-page editor declared earlier this year that writers who deny evidence of man-made climate change will not be published.
That’s just wrong. And it’s not in the spirit of rational inquiry and debate — it’s a kind of religious absolutism.
Warmists are primarily Leftists, ie, Progressives, who practice what Jonah Goldberg called “nice fascism”. Dissent is not allowed and must be squelched.

It’s important to remember while reading this article that these terribly wrong predictions came from SCIENTISTS with PhDs. And that THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED. And that deniers of anything these very people (who were incredibly, incredibly wrong about everything they said would happen and has happened) should be ignored, ridiculed, and exiled.
Hah, right on UncleDan, right on.
These scientists have committed serious harm to the world by their irresponsible predictions, assertions and behaviors. They ought to be shunned, if not prosecuted!