I have to hand it to him, this is a tough one for conservatives to carp against
(USA Today) As a member of the Arizona Army National Guard, Gabriel Zermeño has been preparing for almost two years to be deployed oversees.
But the country he signed up to defend also could one day deport his father.
The reason? Zermeño, 21, is a citizen born in the USA, but his father, José Zermeño, 53, is an immigrant from Mexico who has been living in the U.S. illegally for more than 30 years and has faced deportation proceedings.
Strange, it’s almost like that Amnesty in 1986 encouraged illegals to come to the U.S.
Soon, however, the elder Zermeño may be able to legalize his status, possibly within a couple of months, thanks to a new policy from President Barack Obama’s administration.
The policy, which went into effect Nov. 15, allows the undocumented spouses, children and parents of military personnel to be “paroled” into the United States.
Once paroled, undocumented relatives then will be able to apply for green cards without first having to go back to their home countries, where those who entered illegally face bans from returning to the U.S. for up to 10 years.
Did anyone notice this policy? I may not write that much about illegal immigration anymore, but I do follow the debate, I never saw anything about it.
In the past, the ability of military personnel to focus on their duties often was being weakened because of immigration problems that undocumented relatives faced back home.
Well, perhaps their families shouldn’t be here illegally. Many people face serious stress. Health issues, criminal issues, money issues. Baby is coming and they’re deployed. Many military members have to deal with infidelity and/or divorce. I don’t hear anyone on the left complaining about those. But people who came here illegally? Obviously, that’s a Big Deal.
But, I’m of a mind that direct family members of anyone who serves should be helped out. No cousins, aunt, uncles, sisters of spouses, but direct. But if this is going to happen, there should be a minimum time that a person should have to serve, certainly longer than a 2 year hitch. A minimum six should be good. No reserves. Nor National Guard. Full time. And said family should not be eligible for government benefits like Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps. Obamacare subsidies. Only standard military benefits. And should pay a fine.
See what Obama did there? A very slick move. I have to wonder if you are thinking the same thoughts.

Wait, isn’t there already a law that regulates immigration and illegal entrants?
hmmmm. Almost like Obama has declared a new law out of nothing despite not having the authority to do so.
I’m still of the mind that those who come here illegally should not be rewarded with amnesty just for happening to have a child on our soil, due to that child being gifted with citizenship (illegally IMHO).