While I rely mostly on my 5 year old Creative Zen as my primary MP3 player in the car, I do use my phone quite a bit to play music out and about. I probably have around 2/3 to 3/4 of my songs on my Droid. So, like you, I need a good player.
There are 5 things I look for:
- Ease of use
- Great sound
- Ability to shuffle tracks (love the old style mix)
- Equalizer
- Have a lettering system
The last one is partly from having an iPhone previously, and my Creative Zen (16Gb, built in radio, awesome sound quality) has it. Makes scrolling through 700 plus songs easy (and I keep adding more). Finding that is a last consideration. Have yet to find a player that’s free with it plus the other 4.
My favorite is Rocket Player. Has the top 4 needs. I find it faster to scroll through than some others because the line space between listings (songs, groups, albums, etc) is tiny (unlike, say, doubleTwist). Sound is excellent. Shuffle works quite fast. And it is very user friendly.
The equalizer works very well, including with the Beats Audio on my HTC One S. There are also different themes. I’m using the red one (as in NJ Devils red). Numerous settings, including whether one wants to let Bluetooth headsets control (I do).
Rocket it my #1 recommendation.
DoubleTwist is also an excellent player. Sound, shuffle, ease of use. Equalizer costs $$, though. I tend use it more for playing movies on my phone and tablet. I also use it on those few occasions when I use the tablet to play music. I supposed I should download Rocket, but, eh, it’s rare. Still an excellent choice, and you can purchase air twist for over the air features.
There’s also Play Music, the Google app. It’s popular, but then it also probably comes with most Android devices. It’s basic, kinda “meh”.
I’ve tried Poweramp free, wasn’t that impressed, it did not have shuffle when I did try it. Same with Winamp.
Fusion Music player is also an excellent player, I’d same just as good as Rocket Player. Was playing with both at same time, just preferred Rocket a bit more. More on that in a moment
I also use mconnect free. It does have shuffle, though no equalizer. It’s also not quite as easy, but I use it simply to stream to my Bluray player via DNLA, which goes to TV which has audio output (obviously) to the stereo. I do not use it otherwise.
A great addition is Cover Art Downloader. It obviously downloads ….. cover art. It’s not perfect, some you will have to manually download via the app. One reason I settled on Rocket over Fusion was that I wasn’t thrilled with the way the covers displayed on Fusion. However, the covers never show up on DoubleTwist nor Play Music, you have to use their own built in programs.

Here’s an option for us old farts that are trying to be “up wit it”.
How about an 8 track tape player? :)
you mean like this?
Unfortunately I dont see many players around these days. I’m sensing a come back, however.
It better or I’ve bought HD-DVD for no reason.