It’s “completely out of line” or something
(Fox News) A North American Aerospace Defense Command website showing Santa Claus delivering presents while flanked by fighter jets has some child advocates raising concerns about Saint Nick’s new travel companions.
NORAD Tracks Santa, operated by the joint U.S.-Canada command, has provided children with information about Santa’s whereabouts since 1955. In recent years, Santa updates have included animated videos showing Santa on his flight path.
In addition to Santa’s traditional sleigh and reindeer, NORAD has added an animated fighter plane escort to give a realistic feel to the popular program, a command spokesman told Reuters.
Well, I’m shocked that NORAD would think to use fighter jets in their animation. Don’t they usually fly unicorns and docile dragons?
Allen Kanner, a California child and family psychologist and co-founder of the Boston-based Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, told The Boston Globe the Pentagon is “completely out of line” for linking Christmas with the military.
“Children associate Santa with gifts and fun and everything else that is positive about Christmas,†Kanner told the newspaper. “They are associating this with the military in children’s minds.”
I actually listened to some of this whining yesterday on CNN while passing through the break room, though I’m not sure if it was the same group, or just typical Progressives whining. Because fighter jets can’t be fun for kids, I guess. Good thing no one ever invented the model military airplane kit, ya know.
Davis told Reuters that NORAD videos have linked fighter escorts and Santa since the 1960s, but 2013 marked the first time the jets had appeared in an animated version.
But, Liberals need something to whine about, and the CCFC sure seems like a typical Leftist group.
From the Boston Globe article
But as the word gets out, the plan is taking flak. Some say the Pentagon appears to have lost its way by introducing destructive weaponry to the otherwise jolly image of Santa setting out from the North Pole. Up to now, the most threatening aspect of Santa’s flight had been lumps of coal.
These people need to get a life. Seriously, the jets appear for a total of 5 seconds

Isn’t this several years old?
This is an updated video. But same old liberal military hatred.