No, really
(Bath Chronicle, so, yeah, England) It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of Christmas; the wrapping and unwrapping of presents, decorating the tree and the big Christmas dinner. it can be all to easy to forget that many people might not be so lucky, and charities often struggle during the festive season as people spend money on celebrations rather than donations. If you’re buying a gift for somebody that already has it all, or just want to do something different, virtual charity gifts are a great alternative to the traditional gift.
Some of the gifts aren’t bad, and giving a charity gift could be a good idea, depending on what it is. Buuuuuut….
Polar bears depend on Arctic ice to hunt and raise their young. But the ice is shrinking. You can help protect them and their habitat by adopting a polar bear with the WWF.
From £3 a month you can help conserve the Arctic region’s rich biodiversity, maintaining a healthy Arctic environment with undisturbed ecosystems and healthy wildlife populations and raise awareness of the threats of climate change.
Adopters will receive a cuddly toy (optional), My Polar Bears and Wild World magazine three times a year, a factbook, certificate, bookmarks, stickers and more.
Hey, kids, if you want to give your climate change believing parents a great gift, go purchase a tire lock, slap it on their fossil fueled vehicle, and force them to walk the talk.

The tire locks used by the WWF members are are more effective than your typical police issue tire locks. What? the WWF store does not carry tire locks? The hypocrites.
A useful environment learning exercise is to use Google Earth to look at the Arctic tundra regions and see the environmental devastation caused by the humans living there (if you can find any humans).
ROFL. WOuld be even better if they went to the Arctic and gave a polar bear hug to their adopted polar bear. Let them know how much they care for the bears.
And, I know I would be extremely happy and life-content if one of my family members gave me as a christmas gift a receipt for their donation to WWF. Yeah, I would be elated to pay their ticket to Arctic if it would mean they’d have to walk back.
Stupidity is growing.