Really, really proud. He probably made Sandra Fluke squeal like a schoolgirl
(CNS News) In a speech at TheArc arts school in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, President Barack Obama said that “100 million Americans†have gained the right to free contraception thanks to the Affordable Care Act.
“In the three years since we passed this law, the share of Americans with insurance is up, the growth of health care costs are down to their slowest rate in 50 years,†Obama said at an event hosted by the liberal Center for American Progress.
Except for the 5.6 million who have lost their plans (so far), and the administrations own mid-line estimate that 90 million will lose their plans overall, once the employer mandate kicks in.
“More people have insurance, and more have new benefits and protections – 100 million Americans who have gained the right for free preventive care like mammograms and contraception; the more than 7 million Americans who have saved an average of $1,200 on their prescription medicine; every American who won’t go broke when they get sick because their insurance can’t limit their care anymore.â€
Of course, to get that “free” contraception, people need to pay much higher premiums and deductibles while having their medical networks severely restricted. Remember this from Obama’s creepy “Life Of Julia”?
Liberals are psyched that they can now have meaningless sex with people they just met and not worry about paying a few bucks for condoms and birth control pills, and, hey, if they’re too drunk or stoned to remember, abortifacients are available free, too! Because babies are apparently bad for women’s health or something.
The speech overall was yet more class warfare agitprop. He stated that “inequality is the defining issue of our time”. First, note that “the rich” are doing really, really well under the economic stewardship of Obama, who is himself a 1%er. Second, I though “climate change” was the defining issue? Or was it jobs? Green energy? Anyhow, he and his Dem comrades have also hosed seniors
Obamacare “raided†$300 billion for Medicare Advantage and seniors will begin feeling the cuts next year, according to an analysis Tuesday by the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee.
That’s added to the $700 billion they raided from Medicare itself. But, then, for proper Government run health care, Seniors do not provide much return to The State, so, here’s a cane instead of hip replacement surgery.

He makes an illegal law, and the HHS creates a rule out of nothing, and that allows the 1 to claim it is now a RIGHT?
And it is good to know that we can now blow off tens of millions of seniors for the sake of a couple million sick people. meh, who needs old people. Always sticking around longer than they should. Sucking our system dry. They don’t deserve Medicare despite it being created just for them and the few people who could not have gotten insurance – kind of like the reason ObamaCare was created…. hmmmmm…
So, is it deja-vue when a government deja-vue program is duplicated deja-vue over again?
Here are a few things the conservatives can do to begin to rebalance wealth and support working Americans.
Increase the minimum wage, raise taxes on the wealthy, re-re-regulate Wall Street and investment banks and banksters, support affordable universal healthcare, work to increase unionization of workers, devalue the dollar relative to other currencies, increase the EITC
I’m glad you are concerned about Medicare recipients and think we should add more money to the program. Where will that money come from? Do you have any evidence to support your claim that cuts in Medicare will actually result in cuts in benefits?
Do you really think that the goal of contraception is to allow liberals to have meaningless sex? Do you see benefit in preventing unwanted pregnancy?
What’s funny about Jeffy’s list is that what he says does harm to working Americans.
Every single thing he proposes would hurt Americans.
Maybe that is his ultimate goal.
Its possible. But you are making the argument that conservatives have made and liberals dismiss: if liberals want “control” of their own bodies and decisions, they need to pay for and take ownership of those decisions.
Yes J, let’s institute complete Marxism like Mother Russia has done. We’ll turn out just as beautiful.
Where do you think the money will come from when you take the wealthy’s money? Who will you go after then? There isn’t enough money to steal to bring people up to whatever level you are trying to bring them up to.
Why should we as citizens pay for someone else’s birth control? Why should I pay for someone else not being responsible for their own lives and actions? Why should anyone else be responsible for someone else?
No. And thanks again for another stupid question. It is not the goal. It is the result however. The GOAL is to undermine private industry, private health care and choices, and personal accountability. It is to increase the role and control of the Fed Gov’t.
It will not stop here. This is only halfway down the road they want to travel.
How about this J? How about our next prez, as a function of raising taxes, forces everyone to power generator? Would that be ok with you? Or, to purchase a gun?
Where does it stop? It won’t if we continue to be sheep.
Note that everything the great one said is yet another lie. Can the man open his mouth and actually tell the truth.
Lets start with the minimum wage. Go ahead and raise it, that will result in more un-employment. McDonald’s and others will simply cut back on employees and if not they will pass the cost along to us, that is called inflation. Also, most contracts are indexed in some manner against the minimum wage. That means that as business has to pay more, they cut back and the cycle goes on. And the inflation gets worse. You obviously did not live under Carter, but you are desiring to repeat the same mistakes with the tragic results. As far as unions, all we have to say is Detroit and the American auto sector. Totally destroyed by unions. For that matter, ever wondered why trains are not popular like they used to be? That’s right, unions. They destroyed that as well. I know as I lived during that period and watched as people warned what would happen, it did.
Then, why are you mad at Wall Street and the bankers? Obama loves them and has been giving them $85 billion per month. That is why the stock market stays high. The architect of the recent crash was Barney Frank. It is rare that you can trace world wide financial loss to one man, but he did it. The reason that the economy is not taking off now, other than Obamacare, is the Dodd-Frank law and Simpson-Boyles. Those two laws just about shut down the financial sector. Then rich people, why do you hate rich people? They are rich as they work hard. Do you even work? Certainly you don’t seem to be educated. So you are saying that those of us that work and slave should be taxed excessively due to our productive efforts.
Why don’t you just move to Cuba? They have it great doing the things you want. Or better yet, why don’t you support efforts to allow the South to separate from the North. We can have our freedom and you can you your communistic state.
As to taking money from Medicare, it really doesn’t matter, health care is dying here and the collapse is near. Just give it time.
Every single one of Jeff’s ideas are far left ideas, which have been proven to cause even more pay disparity issues (except the regulation of Wall Street – Glass Steagall would be a non-partisan issue). Every time Liberals, and even some Republicans, start playing with the economy, more government regulation and control, the worse it gets for middle and lower classes.
Let me ask you, Jeff, if these are such great ideas, why do Liberal business owners not practice them? Why aren’t they paying a “living wage” to their entry level employees? Why aren’t they voluntarily sending extra cash to the IRS? Heck , why doesn’t Obama himself send extra cash to the IRS? Heck, he takes every deduction he can, so he isn’t even paying the full rate for his income class.
“Here’s what conservatives can do to begin to rebalance wealth…” Jeffery, like most liberals, begins a debate with a false premise-wealth rebalancing. The first question, and answer, should be: why should we rebalance wealth in the first place? Is intellect, or ability, or drive to succeed equal? Then why should wealth be equal? Jeffery, we’re waiting.
You must have a book of logical fallacies that you consult daily. You’re the mistress of bad arguments. Why don’t liberal businesses not pay a “living wage”? Some do. But it would be hard to compete with the other businesses that do not, wouldn’t it? Sort of like your ignorant argument that only liberals should pay taxes. You’d have to be a schmuck to pay taxes while conservatives refuse to pay their share. Finally, show some of your “proof” that my suggestions harm the working classes. We’re waiting.
jl – The working classes are being systematically oppressed economically – by policy, not by nature. My proposals reverse some of those pressures. Yes, these are liberal proposals, as conservatives are only concerned with the wealthy and themselves.
david – last but not least. Reasonable increases in the minimum wage does not add to unemployment nor cause inflation. Even if it did, we could use a little inflation right now. Unions did not destroy Detroit, the US auto industry or the railroads. Do you recall the 50s? I do. We had stronger unions and Detroit and the auto industry were doing fine. (And the top marginal tax rate was over 90%!!!).
Gumballs – The goal of increased availability of contraception is to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Period. Conservatives have always hated taxes and have had a problem with the idea of women having sex. Women will have sex whether you approve or not. Some will get pregnant when they didn’t intend. Greater availability of contraception will reduce the number of unintended pregnancies.
Your slippery slope argument that covering contraceptives leads to forced purchase of guns is stupid. I didn’t like my taxes (and I pay a lot!) being used to invade Iraq but we’re a big, complicated nation.
I forgot to add that our response to the Great Recession of 2008 was inadequate and has served to punish a generation of workers and potential workers. The impact of unemployment hits the working classes most of all, sparing the wealthy. Our fiscal efforts to stimulate the economy, create jobs, reduce unemployment were inadequate – it was a policy choice we made as a nation.
Full employment puts upward pressure on wages, as workers have more bargaining power and choices.
Oh Jeffy, where to begin?
“Logical fallacies” to you are “facts Jeffy cannot refute” to everyone else.
The spending by the government didn’t make a dent in the economy as many people predicted. In fact, because the US borrowed money to spend, the spending made the economy worse. Instead of learning from that lesson, you want to spend more.
The contraception issue is simple and illustrates how liberals scream “I want” and demand others pay for it.
As for the minimum wage issue, according to a studies at Cal Berkley, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the Federal Reserve Board, for every 10% the minimum wage is raised, unemployment in the most affected groups rises 2%. Most studies show that an increase in the minimum wage increases poverty, not decreases it. There is also an associated uptick in inflation and costs which again blows Jeffy’s point out of the water, but he will say that the laws of economics – such as rising costs will increase prices – are “logical fallacies.”
Finally, once again with regards to taxes, we see how Jeffy just doesn’t understand how he and his ilk can lead by paying more. He claims to lead would be a “competitive disadvantage.” I want to thank him for agreeing with us that increasing taxes puts the US economy at an economic disadvantage against other countries.
Conservatives constantly say and prove that government is not the answer. We have seen increases in regulations and mandated cost increases hurt businesses in every sector of the country and yet people like Jeffy want more taxes, more mandates and more harm to people.
Kind of makes one wonder if liberals really are too stupid to learn, doesn’t it?
What follows is a rebuttal of the points in your critique worth considering:
Thank you for giving us a look into the depth of your understanding and knowledge on the subjects.
The breadth of your response reinforces what I said concerning “logical fallacies” being “facts Jeffy cannot refute.”
The Pirate’s flawed “reasoning” in this case is his argument that liberals should voluntarily pay more taxes because conservatives don’t want to – and him thinking it’s an argument. He uses this “reasoning” to justify his hatred of taxes.
He uses the same flawed “reasoning” when he accuses liberals who drive to work as being hypocrites on global warming.
That is what a dumb man thinks a smart man sounds like.
Tell me to whom to send the money to support the secession of the south. I’m all for it.
wow. Liberalism is really a psychotic disorder. You can’t even fathom truth or even a clear line of thought.
Not even close. That is not his argument. that is your argument. You believe raising taxes on people – thus more money coming in to the gov’t – makes the gov’t better and thus makes everyone’s lives better.
Our argument is that if you believe that, then you are free to give more. The fact that you liberals don’t, and also do all you can to NOT pay more, indicates your hypocrisy.
And no, our belief is not based on a belief that you should pay because we don’t want to. That again, is your belief system. You believe, and your political ideology is founded upon this belief, that OTHERS should pay for what you dictate. That others should live a life that you dictate that way you and your ilk can enjoy the fruits of THEIR labors. That is the definition of liberalism.
He as well as other conservatives have never said nor stated here that they hate taxes. What they hate is the ever increasing demand for more taxation in order to justify the never ending growth of gov’t. Taxes have their place just like a federal gov’t has its place. But when it become punitive and infringes upon liberties, then it is too large and oppressive.
Truth hurts doesn’t it? It is hypocritical of a liberal to demand that others cut back on their vehicular use while they jet around the globe.
Get off your high horse. Your phony excuses and lies have no sway.
you can send it to my paypal account.
Jeffery-“The working classes are being systematically oppressed economically.” So I take it you have no answer to the “why should wealth be re-balanced” question? Color me surprised. But anyway, please define “working classes” and tell us how they are being “systematically oppressed economically”. Or did you just copy those big words from some liberal rag?
jl – Why is inequality in wealth and income bad? Because it will destroy our nation.
Median household income was $51,017 in 2012. Some 90% of households make $100,000 or less (I pay more than that in taxes every year – you’re welcome). Certainly, every family making the median or less would be working class, and most making up to $100,000 would be.
If you, who lives by anecdote, don’t see the pain and suffering of everyday American families, you are not looking hard enough.
We have artificially high unemployment. We could have full employment if we wanted. This exclusively penalizes and punishes the working classes. Besides the direct effect on people not working, high unemployment reduces the bargaining power of low income workers, causing wages to stagnate (they are). For all the taxes that high-income Americans do not pay, thanks to conservative policies, either other citizens have to pay, we run a deficit or we cut services – usually services on which poor depend – food stamps, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public transportation. But taxes are not squeezing the working classes – poor pay and unemployment are.
We allow, even encourage, overseas manufacturing – putting our working classes in direct competition with low wage, low protection workers.
We are working to destroy the bargaining power of labor unions.
The millions of long-term unemployed will likely never recover.
Our “too big to fail” gentleman’s agreement with big corporations is worth $100s of billions to them. This free insurance accrues to the wealthy. Yet, we are seriously considering cutting Social Security benefits now so we won’t have to cut them later. Really?
We are enriching the wealthiest while destroying the middle class.
This is not a natural outcome – we’re doing this by active policy decisions, both Democratic and Republican.
Despite Jeffy’ refusal to look at who is paying the most in taxes and who is paying no taxes at all, this issue really comes down people like Jeffy looking at the income of others and saying “I want that.”
Please tell us under what moral authority you have to take people’s earnings because you are jealous of their income and lifestyle?
No, it never has. Our incomes have never ever ever ever been equal. Even going back to the days of our early founders making landfall by leasing a ride on a transport boat. They agreed to be bound to certain duties once they landed. Someone had to be wealthy enough to finance the trip and buy the boat.
Then you had people wealthy enough to hire people to work for them. Then later, you had to have people wealthy enough to invest in a huge production and warehouse buildings and then hire on employees.
Median income people are by mathematics incapable of this. To claim that if everyone in this nation ONLY earned $50,000 a year, that everyone would be happy and content, is the height of insanity and stupidity. If 10 people had $50K, the first year, who would pay them that next year? Who would be able to build the business and pay those salaries? Certainly one of the $50,000 could not do that.
Income disparity, and the drive and freedom to achieve those upper income levels, is what made this nation as great as it is.
What the hell does that mean? If you have a problem with the SOcialist agenda, then why do you keep pushing for more?
working class? you do love class warfare dont you? Our nation was built upon the idea of providing something to someone at a cheaper price. People are smart enough to know how to shop quality vs price.
Right now, as our buying power has collapsed due to inflation, over-stimulation of the reserve leading to a very weak dollar, and the job-killing plays by Red-Tape gov’t and unions, then yeah, the cheapest place to buy a product nowadays is overseas.
The millions of long-term unemployed will likely never recover.
I see your anti-psychotic drugs are coming in. Good. You are now making more sense. NOw, join us and help us get rid of those kinds of policies by voting out liberals and the pure Socialists.
(And don’t forget I see you mentioned that you are filthy rich. We’ll touch on that later)
If Jeff is paying more than $51k in taxes every year, that must mean he is one of those evil rich people, who should be giving away mostof his eearnings to Other People. But, he won’t.
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