Today’s featured app is Magnifying Glass. It uses the camera of your phone to magnify objects, so that those of us who are getting older can read the dagnabit small writing, I think these companies are messing with us, it never used to be this small!
Personally, I do not need reading glasses, I’ve always had a distance problem. But, you know, age, eyes cannot adjust as well anymore with contacts in or glasses on, so this program comes in handy. With contacts in I would not be able to see the writing on a CR2025 battery. It can even use the flash, if your phone has one, as a light. You can zoom in and out, and has a special focus feature.
Why this program versus another one? Why not? It works, so no need to try a different one.

The program looks good.
Now all I have to do is figure out where the camera on my rooted Nook tablet is. ;)
How do I get this on my Kindle?? hmmmm
Maybe if I pop it open…. poke around with a ice pick ….. ?
Does the Nook have a camera? I can just see someone trying to do it with a front facing camera :)
Respect the Kindle! Someone was nice enough to steal my Touch from the gym. Left it on the elliptical and took it instead of turning it in. Using my 2nd Gen kindle. Forgot how much I liked the next page button on the left side by the thumb. Gettinga paperwhite for cChristmas. Not a fan of the Fire. Would never use it for apps.
The paperwhite does have its pros. I like my 2nd Gen kindle. Not heavy when reading in bed. I mainly use it for books that are not in audio format.
Why are you not a fan of the Fire? Seems like another tablet to me. ALso seems to be a bit better than apple makes.
Oooooooooooo! So we are going to get into whether the Nook has a camera and the Kindle does?
My Nook tablet is several generations old so I can’t compare it to the tablets today.
I am not a big fan of cameras within tablets and even cellphones. I have a camera for that.
However, the thing that swayed me to the Nook Tablet was the sd Memory Card expansion. While at the time the Kindle was supporting a (cough) massive 8 gigs of internal memory, I was able to root the Nook without voiding the warranty with a sd card and have over 28 GIGS of storage on the card, plus the native storage. (Thank you xda developers.)
The only thing that I wish my tablet had is bluetooth as that way I could hook up a keyboard to it. The previous iteration (Nook Color) has bluetooth, but not the Nook Tablet.
Oh well.
In the end, my tablet is coming up on being 2 years old and I love it. I had the Kindle “Keyboard” reader and liked that, but nothing close to how I feel about the Nook.
In other words, I spit on your Kindle and use it as firewood for cooking the Christmas goose!
(Just kidding, of course.) :D
I wasn’t aware that Barnes and Nobles still was in business for Nook
Anyhow, I like the simplicity of a standard kindle over reading on a tablet style. I do read a bunch on my phone when I’m out and about, at work, at the gym, but the only time I use the tablet to read is when I’ve let the kindle battery get to low. I really like like the feeling of a regular kindle, closest to a book. I like that.
Plus, I don’t like the Amazon app store. Fire’s do not come with Google Play.
Well, the kindle is good for what I intended it for. just a small book replacement as I have most of my books as Audio version.
If I wanted the flash of Kindle Fire, I’d use my laptop. And my laptop has a bigger screen and more power and adaptability.
Kind of like, I don’t have cable. Why when internet works the same and I don’t have to put up with thousands of music and home shopping channels.
Exactly, that’s what I use it for.
Even if I had a good tablet I still wouldn’t use it for reading. I wouldn’t mind getting a Galaxy, but really, I really use mine for some apps, mostly news and sports. Some games. I don’t look at email. I watch some vids. Twitter. Actually have a few movies on card. But, it loves to freeze up, had to root it to get Play store. No accellerometer. It does do a whole bunch of stuff I never use it for. So a Fire would be a waste for me.