They aren’t quite sure whether alarm bells should be ringing because they don’t know what will be done with the data
( Nearly 840,000 Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield subscribers are being notified that their personal information may have been contained on a pair of laptops that were stolen from the insurer’s Newark headquarters last month.
The stolen laptops were password-protected, but had unencrypted data, Horizon said in a statement today. A subsequent investigation determined the computers may have contained files with personal information, including names, addresses, dates of birth and, in some instances, Social Security numbers and “limited clinical information,” the insurer said.
The theft occurred during the weekend of Nov. 1 and was reported to the Newark Police Department on Monday, Nov. 4, Horizon said. At the time they were stolen, the computers were cable-locked to employee workstations.
Guess who is one of three Obamacare health insurance providers for the federally run New Jersey Marketplace?

And don’t forget that the state of California have been illegally giving personnel information to companies.
There is nothing like a law which allows the government to break other laws.
Nothing like a gov’t which can ignore privacy laws that it enacts upon other entities. Guess who will be punished for this? I’m betting….. no one.
Much like the murders of 2 Border Guards and 4 State Dept Americans, no one will be held responsible. Let alone held responsible for corruption and release of private personal information to political groups.
my dad got a letter yesterday notifying him that his information has been stolen, and then today his email account had been hacked. They sent out an email asking that he was stuck in the Philippines with no money and ID and need a wire transfer.
Good thing our most private personal health info will now be securely within the gov’t pervue.