Continuing the 25 Days Of Climate Christmas
(San Diego Free Press) Santa’s changing some policies at the North Pole.
You see, he’s concerned about global warming. If the polar ice caps melt, his workshop will sink into the Arctic Ocean. He’d become a climate refugee.
What’s more, our changing climate is endangering our food supply. It’s not just the hotter average global temperatures. Climate change also triggers more extreme weather.
Droughts, floods, and storms are no good for farming. And pests lacking predators and diseases that are hard or impossible to treat are already moving into new areas in some parts of the world as a result of the changing climate.
Why does Santa care? He wants his milk and cookies, of course. The world’s favorite fat man won’t look half as jolly if he loses weight due to global food shortages.
Instead of coal, because coal is bad for Hotcoldwetdry, Santa will give naughty boys and girls toothbrushes and underwear.
That means that Santa’s policy change is, at most, symbolic. He asks us to join him in reducing our carbon emissions this holiday season and beyond in order to save his home.
This holiday season, please help ensure that Santa won’t become the world’s most famous climate refugee by taking stock of your energy use and making changes where you can.
Interestingly, among the “solutions” recommended, the article fails to push Warmists to give up their own fossil fueled lifestyles. Nor does writer Jill Richardson mention whether she has gone “carbon neutral”.

And, who set the global average? an arbitrary range of years agreed upon where we know we have data, in recent decades. Does not include any colder decades, only those decades that include rising temps. Nor does it include the periods where we have temps warmer than now. Nor does the average include recent years.
Yet a changing climate affects pests and predators alike. Go figure. Also, MOST of those invasions were created by man, not nature.
We haven’t had one yet. ALso, we were supposed to have peak oil, peak population, peak water, now peak food. Wont happen for a long while as long as man can use technology.
Yep. Sure is. Purely symbolic.
Yeah, cuz we have so many climate refugees right now. If only there was even a small bit of ice up north. Cuz we know that climate refugee scientists told us that there would be no more ice in Arctic from last year on.
LOL. I wrote a comment to the article at the site linked pointing out how the ice extent in the Arctic and Antarctic is growing. It didn’t pass their ‘moderation’. No surprise there.