Gotta love starry eyed, unicorn riding yoots
(KSTP) Students at more than 20 high schools and colleges across the state are calling on President Barack Obama to address climate change this holiday season.
The students are working with Environment Minnesota to collect photo petitions showing support for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The call to action comes as the Environmental Protection Agency prepares new standards to limit carbon pollution from power plants.
Their message is that all they want for the holidays is action on climate change.
Fortunately, the Mother Nature is happy to oblige. The highest forecasted temperature through Christmas is 23F for Minneapolis. The average high is 26. Christmas will be a below average 18F.

So what you’re saying is since it’s cold in Minnesota in Dec, global warming is refuted! We call that logic fail a “hoft”.
It was 60 today in St. Louis. Global warming is back!
Come on, J, you know what we’re talking about- if you can read. Every time there’s a powerful storm it’s because of CO2, according to the climateers. Just returning the favor. But you knew that.
Record highs in Missouri today! 70s! Unheard of as we approach Christmas.